Monday, October 8, 2012

From the Old World to New World

When I first took office in 2011, it was my plan to promote equality both internally and
externally.  Using Latin America Union's resources and army force, we were able to provide aid to
many countries throughout the world.  Because of my initiative, the L.A.U was recognized as being
a Global steward to the planet.  While I was excited and proud to be given this honor, it was
overshadowed by the gross inequalities that lay within Latin America.  As I stated in my address
to Latin America,
My plan to fix this problem was to assemble a team of human rights experts and have them evaluate the current social structure of Latin America.  Out of this examination, I hoped to find where these deeply-embedded inequalities lie, and move to fix them.

While the team of professionals was working on picking apart society, there was one issue of
inequality that I sought to fix.  For those of you that are unaware, currently in Mexico there is a
group of revolutionaries that declared war on Mexico in 1994 over the government's ignorance
towards the indigenous populations.  They call themselves the Zapatista movement and since 1994,
they have taken the Southern most state of Chiapas, and have been in a constant standoff with the
government.  Through covert operations, I was planning to provide the Zapatistas the resources
they needed to rise up against the government once more and have the rights of indigenous
farmers respected.  The team of professionals I assembled to find the roots of the social
inequalities throughout Latin America would also work with the Zapatistas providing lawyers and
funds to have their voices heard.  This plan would have eliminated much of the inequality I was seeking to eradicate, but for obvious political reasons, not a plan I could make known.

However, this all changed when we received the extraterrestrial communication from 55 Cancri.  My
decision to involve the Latin American Union in the Machine Accord was not an easy one.  I knew
that Latin America had limited funding, and places where that funding could be better spent.  But
I felt that taking up arms against someone we don't know was an even worse idea.  After speaking
to the head of science and of the the Military, we all agreed that building the machine was
better than not building it.  This decision wasn't a "lesser of two evils" sort of approach.  I wasn't supporting the building of the machine simply because I thought building our weaponry was a worse idea.  I
made the decision to fund the machine because I felt that it was time for the people of Earth to
come together and make something that could better humanity for everyone.

I also made the decision to build the machine because although Latin America may not have the funding to provide, we have a large, skilled workforce that would be more than willing to help build the machine.
This was something that we, as a planet, could easily accomplish.

When Japan and America also came out in support of building the machine, we quickly got to work.
Even though the machine was originally going to be built in Japan, we felt it safest to build the
machine in Latin America after facing hostilities from the E.U. Military.  Building the machine
in Latin America would prove to be beneficial to our struggling economy, as the increased number
of scientists and workers from America and Japan would spend the time that they weren't working
on the machine in our cities and towns.  We soon discovered that building the machine would also
benefit everyone.  As quickly as we began building the machine, we were making huge scientific
discoveries.  This machine contained answers to some of the most highly contemplated topics among
scientists, such as a self-sustaining power source, the ability to make shields, and the ability
to create wormholes.

It seemed that as quickly as the machine was first sent to us, our three months to build the
machine were coming to a close.  After recruiting Canada into the Accord, we were able to
complete the machine before December 14th.  The night before the machine was to be activated,
everyone across the planet both reflected on the past, and contemplated the future.  Even though
we all had our different perspectives on what the machine was going to do, we all knew that the
world would be different after December 14th.  As I stated, what ever was going to happen, was
going to happen, and that despite what happens we must all continue forward.

Now, looking back a year later we must reflect on how far we've come.
The Accord Nations have created a world that many have dreamed about for hundreds, if not thousands, of years.  The accomplishments that we have made would not have been accomplished had we not decided to build the machine.
problems of poverty and inequality.  These were issues of the Old World Order."

Looking back I am also reminded of how life used to be.  One of the artifacts from the old world that I keep with me is this piece of Samarium.  When we were building the machine, it required the use of many Rare Earth Elements such as this.  Luckily we were able to find these elements in the vast uninhabited deserts and dry lands throughout Latin America.  However, this was bad news because we feared it would give the Resistance Nations more of a reason to attack us.  That is why the existence of these elements was kept a secret.  The fact that we were so frightened of being invaded over these elements reminds me of how much the global community was circling the drain, and how we need to avoid going back to the same situation of fearing one another.

While our New World may not be 100% perfect yet, the promise of what the world may be still rings true.  As the communication stated, we have entered into the community of higher beings in the universe.  In time we will learn the full extent of the machine that was given to us, and we will live long and prosper.


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