Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Group Response from the L.A.U

Over the past few weeks, the scientific community and members of the Machine Accord have been hard at work building the machine sent to us by 55 Cancri.  Although many countries have doubted the safety and logic behind building this machine, we have made enormous advancements in science and technology.  Along with the help of Japan and America, many questions about the universe and space travel have been answered.  One of the biggest discoveries was the detection of a wormhole between Earth and 55 Cancri.  Some of the world’s greatest astronomers and scientists have pondered the existence of these folds in the universe that allow for travel throughout the universe quicker than the speed of light.  If what we have learned is correct, then this machine will allow us to explore the universe in ways only imaginable before now.  The machine also has a self-sustaining source of power, which we are to find ways to harness this power for the good of the planet.  These advancements would not have been made if we had chosen to take up arms against the beings that sent the signal in the first place.

Lastly, we would like to thank the Canadian government for joining the Machine Accord. In return for their support, we will ensure that they are protected. The same holds true to the European Union. If they choose to follow Canada and join in the Machine Accord, we can also grant them the same protections and equal share on any new technological and scientific advancements.


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