Wednesday, September 26, 2012

The End of the World as We Know It

What does one say on the night before the end of the world as we currently know it?  It is amazing to think that only three months ago, we were going about our daily lives not thinking too much of the unpredictable.  Then, as it always seem to do from time to time, the unpredictable happened.  Only three months ago, but yet it seems like only yesterday.

Not only did the unpredictable catch us off guard, it was enough to divide this planet.  Our nations became torn by the same arguments that have torn us apart a million times before; war, or peace.  So once again we took side with one another, and fought a battle of trade embargos and military hostilities which didn't help anyone.  Although we must congragulate eachoher for keeping within ourselves to not take ivasive military action.  Maybe this is a sign that we can infact put down our weapons when faced with a dispute.

So tomorrow, we must all come together and take what may come.  There are going to be winners, and there are going to be losers.  If it turns out the Resistors were correct in saying these aliens meant harm, then that is what was going to happen all along.  Regardless of what we could have done if these extraterrestrials had it set in their mind to wipe us out, they would have wiped us out.  We've made that point numerous times, as I'm sure you know, so it may be the last time it will be said.

But don't let the bad side of the 50-50 chance be all that occupies your mind.  I didn't decide to build the machine simply out of fear that there was nothing else we could do.  I decided that we should build the machine because I have optimism in what the future may hold.  We have already learned the machine produces some form of self-sustaining energy.  The amount of new technology that we are learning will only boost our booming software and computer industries.  If this machine can infact distort dimensions and space, our knowledge and ability to explore the universe will sky rocket.  We all have all thought about the future, and how amazing it's going to be.  What this machine may be able to do; is make only what we've dreamed about, possible.

Tomorrow, we will all find out if we face our extiction, or go superspeed into the future.  Personally, I'd prefer the latter.

Marcos M. Marcos
Exectutive of the Latin American Union.


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