Thursday, October 4, 2012

State of the Latin American Union - 1 Year Later

Transcript of an Address to the Populace of the L.A.U. Broadcasted via Radio & Television in all L.A.U. countries.

Good evening my fellow latin americans,

As promised to you, before the activation of "The Machine" and "The Severing" of half the world's population, that I would look out for the best interest of our people in this union. Presidente Marco's recent address to our union, while important, lacked specifics on the status of our lower and middle class citizens. Yes, we are still suffering from poverty and inequality, but to what extent? What have we been doing in this past year to best support our people, not just the government and economy?

As we entered this new era, I am proud of how far we have come already. Part of my ongoing promise to our people, is my commitment to ending inequality and poverty across ALL the nations in our union. While we have seen some parts of our union transition from second- and third-world to first-world status, this has not been true for many of our rural and suburban parts in each nation. I have spent the last year, organizing a team of lower-middle class citizens who have been leaders in various small towns and villages from every nation in our union. With those leaders, I formed a comprehensive task force, with its primary mission to evaluate the status of inequality and poverty amongst the lower and middle class. Below is a map of our travels from this past year. We started in my native nation of Mexico, then headed south towards Guatemala, El Salvador, Belize, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Chile, the east into Argentina, Uruguay, then Northward into, Paraguay, Brazil, French Guiana, Suriname, Guyana, Venezuela, Trinidad/Tobago, Grenada, Grenadines, St. Lucia, Dominica, Antiqua, Barbuda, St. Kitts, Nevis, Dominican Republic, Haiti, & Cayman Islands (where we met with Anti-Castro Cuban delegates). We returned last week to Mexico City, to assemble our final report to you.

Firstly, in order for us to provide a strong first-world infrastructure across our union, specifically in small cities, towns, and villages, we need to create a massive wide-spread education system. The majority of our people still lack a solid foundational experience with education. This is not just for children, but for our adults, who never received a proper education. In each country we held several town-hall style meetings with lower and middle class citizens, to find out what educational resources they require to provide them with the skills they need to be successful in this new world. With the significant technological advances in our union, we are able to bring internet, wireless, new computers, to the most remote parts of our union. With our new renewable energy sources we have begun to manufacture mass amounts of personal computers and related technological devices in every major city. We have created educational pilot programs that will start distributing these new devices in rural and suburbans areas in our union. While this process will take some time, it is our goal to provide every family with internet access, and a home computer. These pilot programs will train our people how to use a computer, access the web, and eventually the educational programs that have been in development. You will be able to choose a wide-variety of online educational programs ranging from, learning how to read to civil and mechanical engineering foundations. We plan to create the most extensive online interactive educational database, to provide all of our people the education they have long deserved. These "virtual classrooms" will be the start to our union's new frontier, as we advanced to a true first-world union.

Secondly, while we were assessing the different infrastructures and jobs, already in place in our nations, we met with CEO's of public and private companies to discuss expansion and creation of new jobs for our newly educated citizens. Part two of our educational pilot programs will be done through our nations companies to provide hands on job training. As we grow our nations' infrastructure more and more opportunities will be created. This may sound impossible, but have faith, the advances we have seen since the formation of the Machine Accord has completely changed our union forever. It is my hope that every village, town, and city in the next five years will have internet access, and a computer in each home. Yearly assessments will be done to evaluate the progress and problems that may arise in each of our nations.

As your representative, I challenge you all to come together during this time. The opportunities are endless, but will only be possible if you take advantage of our new educational system. My siblings who never learned to read, will now have the opportunity to be literate for the first time in their lives. You can do the same. I believe in you, and every person in our great Union.

Good night, and God Bless the people of our Latin American Union,

Jose Ignacio Sanchez.



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