Thursday, October 11, 2012

A Canadian Citizen's Reflection

Slightly over a year ago, I was asked by international global media site The Global Signal to be a part of their “Voice of the People” column. The website, which declares itself “the leading voice in global journalism," has gained worldwide recognition, posting statements made by government officials in the world’s most economically powerful nations – including Japan and Canada - as well the Latin American Union, and the European Union. The Global Signal’s  “Voice of the People” column contains opinion pieces written by citizens of these nations. I am a journalist who has written for Canada’s CBC News for the past nine years. Last year, an editor of The Global Signal contacted me, asking if he could publish a piece I wrote for CBC News in Canada’s “Voice of the People” column. Since then, I have frequently contributed. Understanding that the pieces I write for The Global Signal will be read by thousands of people in other nations, I do my best to speak for the majority of the Canadian population in a way that will accurately represent their opinions.

Soon after I was first asked to publish in The Global Signal, a discovery was made that would forever alter life on Earth. The most shocking revelation in history was a signal with origin in 55 Cancri, a binary star system 41 light years from Earth. After this signal was detected, Japanese scientist Masaharu Nakagawa informed the world, “We found repeated, overlapping bits of code. Putting these together, what appeared to be randomness, merely "static," was revealed to be a visual signal, a schematic for a machine of unknown purpose.” (The full transcript of the news alert on The Global Signal is available here.)

As news spread that a signal sent from extraterrestrial life forms had been detected containing a plan for building a machine, panic, fear, and excitement broke out in Canada and throughout the world. There were so many questions – Who are these extraterrestrial beings contacting us, and what is their purpose of doing so? Should we build this machine they request and what is the purpose of the alien machine? Would it this have positive or negative consequences? Some believed that the only way to uncover any answers would be to build this machine. The events that would unfold in the year to come after this discovery have resulted in a new world. I was unaware that by agreeing to contribute to The Global Signal I would be documenting the most drastic and destructive change to ever happen on Earth. My opinion pieces for “Voice of the People” are now a part of history, describing the sentiments of the people of Canada as the world is forever transformed. I have collected these in this chronicle of The Change. I have recorded and explained each event during this tumultuous year, so that future generations can read my work and gain an understanding of what it was like to live through the discovery of the signal, the fight that ensued between the world’s most powerful nations, and the building of The Machine that resulted in the severing of our planet.

Piece 1: A Canadian Citizen’s Response to the Economic Crisis

I wrote my first piece that was published in The Global Signal just after Prime Minister Stephen Harper decided to cut back Canada’s welfare programs by 10%. Canada was in the midst of difficult economic times. The economic crisis of 2012 saw national unemployment levels reach 9.8%. In an effort to cut back on government spending, Prime Minister Stephen Harper enacted his widely unpopular welfare cutback. The following piece details the reaction of Canadians:

The people of Canada are suffering. As the economy worsens, our government has cut back the country's welfare programs by 10%. This may not seem dramatic, but it has effectively dismantled Canada's social safety net. The economic crisis has led to the loss of jobs for many Canadians, yet programs to help these new masses of unemployed people have been dramatically reduced. Our newly elected President Stephen Harper has removed our welfare programs in a time when we need them most. Canada's universal health care system can no longer function as before because it no longer has proper government funding; it is the same case for other social programs to help the unemployed and underprivileged. President Harper is growing increasingly unpopular with the public as the economic crisis grows and the social safety net is diminished. As a result, mass protests in Canada have sprung up throughout the region, some reaching chaotic levels as Canadians declare themselves deeply dissatisfied with the Harper administration.I am a Quebec native currently residing in Ontario. The city I am from and the city I am living in are two of the most economically prosperous regions of Canada, and even in these cities I see the effects of the poor economy more and more each day. I see more homeless people on the street. I see friends and family members losing their jobs. I see protests led by unhappy Canadians. The country is in crisis. The people of Canada are frightened by the apparent loss of welfare programs that had become a standard of the country, and frightened by an economy that seems unable to be returned to what it once was. These protests are desperate cries for help, appearing in increasing numbers across the country. The Harper administration has a very difficult job on their hands.We need our social safety net. It is what makes our country so great. Without these programs, Canada is not the country it once was. Canada's social safety net is not a dispensable system; our social welfare programs are not an unnecessary burden on the government to be disabled during hard times. In fact, during hard times we need these programs more than ever. How is a man who lost his job to find health care he can afford without the universal health care system? How will these masses of unemployed citizens get back on their feet without government programs to help them get there? Are there not other areas we could reduce our budget on so that these necessary programs are not diminished? Canadians will protest until our voices are heard. We will not quietly accept cutbacks on Canada's welfare programs.

Writing this piece is a distant memory; I feel as if it were a lifetime ago rather than a mere thirteen months prior to today. The worries of this time – the economic crisis, the dismantling of our welfare system – seem so trivial compared to what has happened to our world since The Machine was built. It is so strange to think of a time – a recent time – where we were blissfully ignorant in believing that our planet was the only one in the universe with intelligent life forms, that we humans were the only ones who could affect our future.

Yet such a time existed, and it was not so long ago that the people of Canada were devising their own agenda to counter the Prime Minister’s: protest, cause uprisings, and call for the loss of office of Prime Minister Harper. Following the cutback that effectively dismantled the welfare system of our country, large-scale protests and mass uprisings broke out in each of the country’s cities, in which people demanded that Prime Minister Harper be removed from office. In Canada, “the possibility of impeachment has been replaced by the threat of loss of office, which usually takes place through voluntary resignation in order not to invoke the collective responsibility of colleagues that would result in removal from office of the ministry as a whole (source:” This was the goal of increasing amounts of Canadian citizens.

The following week, the 55 Cancri signal was discovered. It was a discovery so monumental and shocking that Canada’s economic crisis seemed trivial. The full transcript of the news alert that was heard live as a media alert in all nations was published here on The Global Signal. The Latin American Union’s chief science advisor, Myriam Adela, stated during this live discussion of The Global Signal’s science correspondents via satellite, “Conservative estimates put the cost somewhere in the vicinity of $5 trillion dollars U.S.” She added that the signal provides clear instructions: “We are to build the machine and to activate it at 0800hrs GMT on December 14th. Three months from tomorrow.” An editor of The Global Signal commenting on the news alert summarized the phenomenon: It now falls to our leaders to decide what course humanity will follow .... They will announce the policy of their governments, and will, we can only hope, help us all to understand what forces led them to make those decisions, and how we can best support their decisions. Mankind stands on a precipice. May God help us all.”

Piece 2: People of Canada Upset and Fearful

The next piece that I wrote for The Global Signal was written directly following this discovery of The Machine. I attempted to convey the feelings of the majority of Canadians – mostly concern, confusion, insecurity, uncertainty, fear, panic, and even hysteria. Fear was the prevailing emotion that spread throughout the people of Canada. During a time where Canadian citizens had already been distressed due to an economic crisis, the idea of possible plans to build this Machine, and the new found proof of extraterrestrial existence, led to nationwide distress. A vast majority of Canadians quickly declared that they did not support the building of the machine. Most people believed that it could only have negative consequences. Life was beginning to match the first few scenes of the popular science fiction extraterrestrial story. In such stories, aliens are rarely portrayed as peaceful beings; often, they are portrayed as evil life forms with malevolent plans for our planet, set up as beings we should fear in a plot that would eventually ensue in a fight to save our planet. In the following piece, I illustrated how many people of Canada, imagining an alien invasion, were verging on panic.

Extraterrestrial beings contacting us with news of their existence is no minor phenomenon. There is no way of knowing why they contacted us, or what could happen if Earth responds to them. The uncertainty of the situation has caused many people of Canada to dissolve into panic. Upon learning that nations plan on moving forward in attempts to build The Machine, levels of fear have increased from what had already been nearing hysteria at the point of learning of extraterrestrial contact. In a nation where the once-strong economy has fallen into a state of crisis, the majority of Canadian citizens are struggling through stressful times. News as shocking as this coming out during such times has only struck more fear in our people. Some scientists of other nations may see this as an irresistible opportunity. Some leaders may see this as a threat to which we must respond immediately. Here in Canada, our Prime Minister Stephen Harper has decided against Canadian involvement in building The Machine - the first largely popular decision he has made in quite some time. The feeling of the majority of Canada's people is this: we do not know what will happen if we respond to this extraterrestrial contact. We do not know what will happen once we build The Machine and send out a response signal, nor do we have the economic funds and stability to do so. University of Toronto professor Mark Bates' Wednesday morning statement summarizes the fears of many Canadians: "We do not know what consequences could come from this. Suppose this signal was sent to us as a test to determine if we are able to respond, and once we do so we have proven our intelligence to them and thus proven the fact that we are a threat? Suppose this signal was sent to us for no reason other than curiosity of other life forms, and we spend trillions of dollars on a response only to never see further contact from them? So far, all that has happened is that the extraterrestrials have sent us a signal. Many see this as frightening. Many others see this as fascinating. Without a doubt, it is something we need to do research on. The extraterrestrial life has contacted us in a way that has never been known by our most intelligent minds and most advanced technology. They are more advanced then us. They are more intelligent than us. We need to act with caution." Caution: this is the best way to describe how most Canadians wish to move from here on. People throughout the nation are voicing their fears. McGill University hockey coach Kelly Nobes stated, "I think this signal was a sort of ‘dropping of the gloves.’ It's warning us of a possible attack." Nationwide news program, CBC News, went out onto the streets to interview citizens. The people's reactions were, overwhelmingly, declarations of fear. The image of one woman bursting into tears while being interviewed has resulted in her becoming the face of the Canadian people's views towards this Machine. The people have spoken; they do not believe The Machine should be built, they do not want any involvement in building it, and they are afraid of the consequences if advances in The Machine progress.

The people of Canada were pleased to see that, for once, their Prime Minister would make a decision the majority of the population agreed on. Prime Minister Harper’s full address to the Canadian populace is published here on The Global Signal. He stated that, “in another 9 years, if they [the extraterrestrial life forms] communicate again and tell us what it [The Machine] actually does, we can attempt it [the building of The Machine].” He continued to state that, “at the moment, if we don’t know what it [The Machine] does, and [this understanding] is far beyond our technological ability, it isn’t worth it.” Prime Minister Harper then suggested, “Putting together a small team of the world’s best scientists and have them commence research on the technology …. Meanwhile we can send out the new signal and await a response, and maybe next time we will be more prepared for the project,” an idea that was largely supported by Canadian citizens. Prime Minister Harper concluded with a promise to his country: “to reestablish the social safety net and replace outdated infrastructure.” This address restored Canadians’ faith in their Prime Minister. In a time of widespread national fear, Canadians united under Prime Minister Harper in resistance to The Machine.

Canada was not alone in its resistance. An editorial in The Global Signal described the global disagreement that followed the discovery of The Machine. The full transcript can be found here. The editorial described the split of the world’s most economically powerful nations: "Japan, the United States, and the Latin American Union have formed what they call the ‘Machine Accord,’ a union designed to pool the resources needed to construct The Machine on time. This unprecedented openness of people, resources, funds, and technology seems poised to catapult the Accord nations into a new age of peace and prosperity. If construction (or the arrival of The Signal's senders) doesn't ruin them first. Meanwhile Canada, the EU, Russia, and China have banded together into what they're calling The Resistors. United by no political system or economic ideology, but purely by their belief that The Machine must not be constructed, The Resistors are taking a variety of actions. Most are building their military forces for what they see as an imminent attack by hostile alien beings. Others seem most concerned for their domestic well-being, turning what appears to be a blind eye to the rest of the world, ushering in a new era of isolationism.”

Japan was quick to establish itself as an authoritative member of the Machine Accord. In an address published on The Global Signal, which can be found here, Emperor Aidan of Japan professed his beliefs: “Studies have shown that as our race becomes more advanced, we are being naturally selected to be kinder and more compassionate. Such a conclusion can be drawn from Steven Pinker's "A History of Violence." Pinker, a respected and esteemed member of his field, has given TED talks supporting this theory. It only stands to reason then, that such an advanced race would be more considerate and empathetic. Regardless of what we decide, these extra terrestrials could be a great ally and could also help us reach huge discoveries all fields of study.”

Latin American Union executive Marcos Marco’s statement in support of the building of The Machine (which was published on The Global Signal and can be found here) stated: "It is worth funding and building this alien machine over funding increased military weaponry ….  If these extraterrestrials have intent to come to Earth to wipe out the human race, they will. It is obvious that their technology, and most likely their weapons, are far superior to ours.  Instead, we need to disprove thousands of years of human history of seeing who can build the biggest weapon, and work together to bring intergalactic peace."

The European Union sided with Canada as Resistors. In European Union executive Viviane Reding’s statement protesting the building of The Machine (which was published on The Global Signal and can be found here) stated: "If extraterrestrial beings intend on attacking Earth then they will do so, regardless of whether or not we decipher their messages. Strengthening our global military is the precautionary action we need to avoid destruction. I ask the citizens of the earth to consider this scenario: We spend 5 trillion dollars on building this machine. We discover through decoding the signal that we are going to be under extraterrestrial attack. We now have no money to defend ourselves. Clearly this hypothetical situation is far too black and white but I am confident you all get the idea. My final decision on this matter is to devote some of the budget towards strengthening our global military and stop this expensive nonsense."

Breakthroughs in the building of The Machine resulted in rapid progress for the Machine Accord. Fearing negative outcomes that the people of Canada believed would undoubtedly ensue if The Machine were built, thousands of Canadians met in Canada’s capital of Ottawa to draft a letter. This letter was sent to CBC News, and was then published in national media to be seen by the populaces of other nations.

For those of you who support the building of The Machine (people of Latin American Union, Japan): we would like to ask you to think about what you are supporting. Your countries are both suffering for multiple reasons. Many people are living in poverty, without resources, or displaced from their homes. Your governments are about to invest incredibly large amounts of money into this machine. You are unaware of what the results will be. You do not know what this machine will do. Your governments are acting blindly and impulsively, following instructions sent to us from another planet, through a black hole. There is no way to know what the “right” thing to do in this situation is. We, the people of Canada, believe that the best way to approach this situation is to invest in independent, privately funded research and to cautiously attempt to learn more information while building up defensive measures and plans to be used in case of emergency. How can you support the building of this machine, when it may have no results whatsoever, or negative consequences for the entire planet? When dealing with such great unknowns, it is irresponsible to act so rashly. Your governments are about to spend huge sums of money – money that should be going to you, the people who are suffering and deserve government funding and support – on a machine that could take years to see the results of, if there are any results. For all we know, the machine could have entirely negative consequences. Would you not rather see the money going towards your country's well being? This is, without a doubt, a fascinating (and frightening) discovery. It does not mean we should immediately throw all of our money into the building of a machine we do not know much about and have done little research on. The people of Canada urge you to think carefully before you support your government giving your money to the building of a machine so that they can attempt to converse with extraterrestrials. With this money, your lives could drastically improve. You do have the power to stop your governments from building this. There are many options – sabotage, protests... it is the people of the nations who ultimately decide what will happen. Our Prime Minister has already promised us to bring back the social safety net, which he could not have done if he were supporting the building of The Machine. What benefits could you see for your country, were your governments not throwing money into the building of a machine with an unknown purpose?

It was almost immediately after this letter was published through the media to be seen by the populaces of other nations that Emperor Aidan of Japan sent an address to the people of Canada through an interview with CBC News Network. In a way never before done by a nation’s leader, Emperor Aidan used this interview to address the people of Canada. The following is a transcript of the interview:

Emperor Aidan: I have a proposition for the people of Canada. If I convince your Prime Minister to restore the 10% that was cut from the welfare budget, will you support the building of the machine?
CBC News Network Interviewer Ted Brody: Prime Minister Stephen Harper has already stated plans to do so.
Emperor Aidan: Japan would like to see the alliance of Canada in the Machine Accord.
Ted Brody: Emperor Aidan, I believe that the only way Canadians would support the building of the machine is if they were afraid to not build it. What I’m saying is that, right now, Canadians are resisting the building of The Machine based on fear of negative consequences that could come from its creation.
Emperor Aidan: Japan has an impenetrable shield that can protect against anything. We can extend that to cover Canada if you support the building of The Machine. It would also be able to protect you against any military efforts the rest of the world may attempt to use against Canada. We also have a means to fund your safety net. I have conversed with your Prime Minister. We wish to gain the support of the people of Canada for this new alliance.
Ted Brody: It is my understanding that the Canadian people only desire two things: to be protected from any possible destruction caused by extraterrestrials, and to have their social safety net restored.
Emperor Aidan: If the people of Canada agree to support The Machine, they will have both. If not, there is no way your Prime Minister will be able to pay for the social safety net. We do not know what the aliens will do or do not do if we build The Machine. Our impenetrable shield could prove necessary for you in providing the protection you desire.

The revelation of Japan’s means of providing protection to Canada and funds for our social safety net coincided with two statements – one from Prime Minister Stephen Harper, and one from Emperor Aidan of Japan – that were published on The Global Signal (and can be found here and here).

Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s statement declared: "I have met with Emperor Akihito [Emperor Aidan] of Japan and discussed with him the machine and the progress made upon it. He showed me what they have worked on and their progress is impressive. Considering what they’ve found out, I have reassessed my views on this issue and I have come to the conclusion that its not an alien test with no purpose or a tool to invade with but a machine packed with technologies to improve the world and solve some important issues. I cannot reveal what the technologies specifically entail but rest assured that the investment put in by Canada will be regained many times over and it will help facilitate the permanent reestablishment of the social safety net. Roughly speaking, with new technology Japan can guarantee the military safety of Canada against any earthly assailant attacking our borders. They have also discovered a cheap, and nearly unlimited source of energy."

Emperor Aidan of Japan’s statement was more informative, so I have included the entire statement:

  I am extremely pleased to announce that because of technological gains from the machine, Japan is now indefinitely nuclear free.  We have also developed technologies to create pathways through space and time similar to the one that allowed the 55 Cancri signal to reach us so quickly.  With this discovery, we were able to finally end the devastating clean up of nuclear waste by sending it all into deep space.  Without the machine, these technological advances would have not been realized until at least the turn of the next century.  In fact, it is because of these advances that Canada has decided to support the construction of the machine.  The discovery of a cheap source of massive amounts of energy has allowed them to rely less on the power provided by Quebec as well as saving them massive amounts of funds on energy.  These funds were then able to be funneled into the continuation of their safety net.  With so many opportunities to gain technologies that better mankind, I am baffled that certain populations are still opposed to the construction of this machine. I hope that this short sighted foolishness will soon give way to understanding and acceptance concerning the machine and its many fruits. I am excited by the budding diplomatic relations between Canada and Japan. As a token of my gratitude, I am placing Canada under our protection, an action re-enforced by the United States. It is my hope that Viviane Reding will be soon willing to join our cooperative initiative to build the machine. I welcome diplomatic relations with the European Union and would like to make it clear that I harbor no negative sentiments towards them. I look forward to the summit tomorrow, as it may prove to be the beginning of yet another new and lasting friendship.

After hearing this new information from Emperor Aidan of Japan, the views of many Canadian citizens changed. After hearing of the benefits that had already resulted from The Machine, and of the protection and funding that Japan could offer Canada, the majority of the people of Canada supported Prime Minister Harper’s decision to join the Machine Accord. Many Canadians approved of the way in which Prime Minister Harper had decided to wait cautiously until further information was provided regarding beneficial aspects of The Machine and of joining the Machine Accord, and because of this, Canadian citizens’ faith in Prime Minister Harper, and in The Machine, rose.

Piece 3: On the Events That Will Unfold Today

The next piece that I published for The Global Signal was written on the day that The Machine would be turned on.

Earth is on the threshold of something - we do not know what - that will forever alter the world as we know it. Will The Machine bring untold devastation to our planet? Will it establish communication between worlds? Will this communication have positive or negative consequences? These questions will be answered today, and we can only hope that this machine will continue to have positive results for Earth, while we prepare for any possible negative consequences that could occur. The people of Canada largely support pushing The Machine's button and opening the door to whatever results will transpire, as Emperor Aidan of Japan has promised us protection and restoration of our welfare programs. Canada has taken a stance opposite to what it was a mere week ago. When Canadians believed that the building of The Machine would drain resources in economic times that have already caused struggle, they largely unsupported the building of The Machine, however now that Canadians have been informed of The Machine's benefits and promised protection by Japan, they are largely supportive of the events that will be proceeded with today. This is a colossal scientific advancement. We are fearful of what could possibly ensue, but optimistic that in uniting with other nations on this endeavor we may share in what we hope will be a positive outcome and an extremely important development in our knowledge of life outside of our planet. An atmosphere of uncertainty and excitement has swept through Canada as citizens have realized that this is, in fact, happening. People feel comforted by the fact that the entirety of our military has been returned to our nation, and by protection from Japan. Fear still remains, however, and how could it not? It would be naive and ignorant to proceed with The Machine boldly and confidently. Canada has approached the issue with caution, and it was this cautiousness that restored the populace's faith in our prime minister. Because our country's leaders have waited until we gathered more information to become involved, the people of Canada have more faith in our nation's decision. We believe that we have entered into this endeavor intelligently and with as much understanding as possible, and because we are as well prepared as we could possibly be, hope for positive results has conquered our fear of the negative.

Just hours after that piece was published, The Accord turned on The Machine. The world listened as a message from “The Others” played, informing us that as of now, every person in the Resistor nations has disappeared. Formerly occupied and now deserted Resistor nations erupted into widespread devastation as moving vehicles with no person operating them crashed and burned, and out of control fires with no person to stop them scorched the nations, devoid of life. The Others sent a message, which can be played here on The Global Signal. The message informed Accord nations that “humanity must excise the tumor within itself,” and the Resistor nations had been Severed. It told Accord nations, “when you are ready, you will be welcomed into the community of life, and we will embrace you not as the children you are now, but as the adults you will become …. Your children’s children will enrich the universe as you will be enriched.”

In the year since the Severing, we have not heard from The Others. A new world order has developed. Energy no longer matters, as it no longer depends on extractable oil. The Machine stands in the same place it was built. Many speak of “utopia” in this new world order – but is utopia possible? Certainly, the feelings of Canadians do not resemble a Utopian happiness. In fact, depression and unhappiness has reached concerning levels in Canada.

Piece 4: Feelings of Canadian People One Year Into the Severing

The final piece I wrote for The Global Signal was one I wrote just recently. I took a long break from journalism due to the depression I sunk into after the Severing. France, a part of the European Union, was one of the nations severed. I was born in Quebec. My parents’ families both reside in France; my parents, wishing to study in another area of the world that spoke their language, had traveled to Canada to study at McGill University. After the disappearance of nearly all of my family – my parents had returned to live in France years ago – I experienced a deep, dark sadness. In this, I was not alone. In fact, nearly everyone I know has lost someone close to them - be it a friend, a family member, or an entire family - in the disappearance of people in the Resistor nations. This last piece I wrote has an undertone of sadness, and it is this underlying sadness that is reflected in daily Canadian life.
In many ways, Canada has done well in the year since The Severing. Our technology has advanced and has helped to better our environment and Maker Culture - an underground movement of micro manufacturing - has led to new and useful inventions, such as 3-D printers. Economically, Canada has prospered moderately, however psychologically many Canadians are suffering. Living life under the oppressive shadow of Japan and its shield, many Canadians feel subjected to authoritarian treatment. One internal opinion poll has shown that 82% of Canadians do not trust Japan, which Canada as a nation considers an "ally." Japan's power in this new world order has left many feeling skeptical, suspicious, and even oppressed. Then there is the fact that this new world order has been created by alien life forms who we cannot contact, yet who we know have power over us. One Canadian has described life in this new world order as "like being under a microscope in a microwave; you could feel alien eyeballs or whatever they see with on you, waiting for you to pop." We are living in a world of uncertainty where life is controlled by powerful beings we have no means of contacting, as the time-space distortion has proved useless in communication. Our nation's last-minute decision to join The Accord has left many Canadians feeling uneasy. The pain of separation from loved ones lost in The Severing has resulted in nation-wide increases in depression and unhappiness.     Frustrating to many Canadians is the economic and humanitarian neglect in Africa, as well as the loss of its culture, heritage, and homeland, due to the large-scale migrations into Europe. The people of Canada are concerned for what will become of life for our nation, and of life on a global scale, in years to come. Canadians are concerned that life in our great nation will become utterly controlled by alien life forms. The nation is worried about Japan, as many feel like Japan cannot be trusted. Canadians are extremely concerned about the psychological effects of The Severing - the shield has had a "deleterious" effect that has produced psychological disturbances, and the separation from The Severing has led to an increase in nation-wide depression and unhappiness as previously stated. The change in the global economy due to the collapse of the oil industry, the sudden depopulation of Europe and Asia, and the rise of micro manufacturing has led to massive global economic uncertainty, and Canadians are questioning what will power the post-Severing global economy. One year into the Severing, Canadians are feeling uncertain and anxious in this new seemingly stable - but most likely, many Canadians believe, unstable - way of living. These feelings of uncertainty, meeting feelings of unhappiness and nostalgia for the old world, has Canada in a state of unease despite being moderately prosperous in the new world. Overall, we may feel that we are in control, we may feel inspired to take certain steps in this new world, but in reality, our entire planet has been severed - entire nations have disappeared - all by alien life forms who have communicated with us only to control us. It is not us who have power now. We may be able to make changes in this new world, but this world could be altered entirely tomorrow, as it was a year before. Clearly, these alien life forms have a plan for us. The people of Canada feel a strong lack of control over our lives, and the instability of life in this new world has created nation-wide feelings of insecurity.


This image of a broken hockey stick represents the nostalgia of our country. People in Canada desperately miss the way life was before the discovery of The Machine. After half the world was Severed and its people completely disappeared, after the realization came that there was a race of extraterrestrial life forms who could control our planet, things that once made Canadians happy members of a beloved country now seem insignificant in a world where such devastation has been wrought. Yes, there is still hockey in Canada, but the Canadian spirit has been broken.

In reflection, would I have wanted anything to be done differently? I do not believe that it would have mattered. We were fooling ourselves to think that we had the power to control how these events would play out. Our decisions were futile. In the end, we are left with this realization: these extraterrestrial life forms have a plan for us. All we can do is live our daily life on Earth until The Others set forth the next step in their plan.


  • Caleigh Stevenson says:
    October 11, 2012 at 12:54 PM

    (The "interview" was a texting conversation, and the "letters" were emails.)

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