Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Revision of Canada's Position

    The current situation has come to a head. The machine is progressing very rapidly, with significant technological advances being made at a rapid pace. Here on the home front, we are facing major issues with the economy, instability and the increasing influence of the Quebecois(which has been expanding considerably because of the instability).
    I have met with Emperor Akihito of Japan and discussed with him the machine and the progress made upon it. He showed me what they have worked on and their progress is impressive. Considering what they’ve found out, I have reassessed my views on this issue and I have come to the conclusion that its not an alien test with no purpose or a tool to invade with but a machine packed with technologies to improve the world and solve some important issues. I cannot reveal what the technologies specifically entail but rest assured that the investment put in by Canada will be regained many times over and it will help facilitate the permanent reestablishment of the social safety net.
Roughly speaking, with new technology Japan can guarantee the military safety of Canada against any earthly assailant attacking our borders. They have also discovered a cheap, and nearly unlimited source of energy.
    After speaking with my financial minister, I have assessed that with current economic conditions are not favorable to any large-scale infrastructure or social programs. Using the cheap energy is the only way that the social net can be funded in the long term. The cheap energy shall also be fuel for new economic growth and prosperity. More importantly, it will decrease energy dependence on upon Quebec and decrease the dependence on oil. This technology can only be acquired by joining the accord.
Therefore, I Stephen Harper declare that Canada is joining the machine accord and for the remainder of the three months we shall provide manpower and financing for the machine. I do this because it is what’s best for Canada and to reassure Canadian’s, the social net will be temporarily brought back up to a limited level and shall be fully reestablished once the machine is complete and we’ve reaped the rewards.
This effort shall have positive results and will guarantee Canada a position in the future world order.

Stephen Harper, Prime Minister of Canada


  • Sunshine says:
    September 25, 2012 at 11:02 AM

    The Japanese Military gladly welcomes Canada to our growing global alliance, and we hope to share in prosperity and civil order.

  • Caleigh Stevenson says:
    September 25, 2012 at 11:40 AM

    The people of Canada support this decision as long as Canada is well protected and we get our social safety net reestablished.

  • Caleigh Stevenson says:
    September 25, 2012 at 12:27 PM

    In addition, the people of Canada do not want life in Canada to be greatly affected by the building of this machine. As long as we can live peaceful and prosperous lives, we support the building of the Machine. If this interferes with living peaceful and prosperous lives, we will be extremely angry.

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