Tuesday, September 18, 2012

The Emperor's Statement Concerning 55 Cancri

I am in complete agreement with Satoshi Morimoto. These extra terrestrial life forms, whoever they may be, are clearly a race far more technologically advanced than our own. With that in mind, it becomes obvious that any sort of militaristic offensive or even defensive actions would be futile. Any such aggression would be extremely foolish. Not only would these attempts prove utterly ineffective, but they would also send the message that we were "a technologically inferior and war-mongering planet" as Mr. Morimoto so aptly put it.
I also agree that we should build the device. Unfortunately, Japan is still very much so in recovery from the devastating effects of an earthquake tsunami meltdown. As is only imaginable, the three worst disasters imaginable occurring at once didn't exactly leave us a platform of financial stability. While we would not be able to help fund this project, Japan is currently at the forefront of the technological advancements of our race. If we are to build this machine, Japan volunteers to be the site that it is constructed on. I will make the construction of the machine top priority for the best scientists and mechanical engineers we have to offer.
Studies have shown that as our race becomes more advanced, we are being naturally selected to be kinder and more compassionate. Such a conclusion can be drawn from Steven Pinker's "A History of Violence." Pinker, a respected and esteemed member of his field, has given TED talks supporting this theory. It only stands to reason then, that such an advanced race would be more considerate and empathetic. Regardless of what we decide, these extra terrestrials could be a great ally and could also help us reach huge discoveries all fields of study. If we chose not to build this device, we should return a message and continue negotiations at the very least.

Pinker's "A History of Violence" can be found here.


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