Thursday, October 11, 2012

Chronicle of an Interesting Time

My name is Masaharu Nakagawa and I was the Minister of Science ect for the Country of Japan in the old world.  The events that transpired over the past years were very difficult and unique.  The world changed dramatically.  As a person who played a role in these events I here give my narrative; a bit of an insight to my thoughts and feelings as to what was happening in the world during these times in hopes that the future generations can learn from my decisions.
            Before the first post to the Global Signal, I looked very closely and intensely at the state of science and scientific research in Japan.  Talk was that Japan had nothing to produce.  From my perspective this was untrue; we have always been tight lipped and keep things that do not pertain to the outside world to ourselves.  However it became apparent to me that now was the time for change.  We did not want the rest of the world thinking that Japan had nothing of value to offer, and we the science community did not want our own people losing their faith in us.  This is why I proposed the plan that I did; to really get the Japanese science community back on track.  I let the world know what some of our strengths were and what our current projects were as well as our new plans to better our public view.
            “The first step to getting our research known to our country and the world is to focus on publicity.  We will be revamping our research campaign to better tell the world what contributions and finding we are making.  The next step will be to poll our country members and see what areas of science they believe are most important.  We will also present major current projects to the House of Representatives and see what the think in discuss potential improvements.”
            I also worked closely with the Emperor in developing plans to increase the amount of research and research funding focusing on new sustainable energy.  His plans were to make Japan free of nuclear power plants; therefore he wanted to look into other options. This was very important to focus on because of what the people of Japan wanted.  This also helped to improve the populaces' view on the science community of Japan and show them that we were willing to focus on what they wanted, improving our reputation.
            My covert plans were some things that I thought the science community of Japan should focus on, but were not items that the public or the officials needed to know.  I thought that the future plans of the MRI dream machine eventually being able to be used for mind control needed to be focused on so that Japan could be ahead in this field and not end up behind the curve.  Stem cell research has many advancement possibilities, however the public opinion of this is very volatile.  The space simulator and the research going into space ended up being really important.  Japan used the knowledge obtained to really become scientific leaders in the future for dealing with the events that occurred.  The push towards Japan doing its own military research and developing its own technologies needed to be kept as secret as possible, because the US needed to be kept out of the loop in this respect.  Any advanced made to separate ourselves from them would not have been taken kindly.
Covert Plan
Here are some goals for the hidden agenda of the Japanese science community:
·      MRI dream machine-this is the first step in a long process to a machine that eventually will give operators mind control over others.
·      More in depth research into stem cell usage-this needs to be kept out of the public eye for fear of negative reaction and publicity.
·      Space Simulator-Working on new theories to discover the origin of life, and simulating trips to space as well as working on new technologies for space travel.
·      Advances in areas of weaponry ie new technologies in fighter jets, aircraft carriers, and engines for the above.  The Japan science community is trying to move away from the primarily United States based weaponry it uses and focus on its own technology.
These are things that the Japanese science community is hoping to accomplish, but feel are best kept out of the public eye for fear of negative reactions from both the public and other politicians.
            I acquired some truly unique and interesting information from a radio observatory that when analyzed with other scientist from around the globe contained information to build a machine with plans sent to us from an unknown source. This machine was going to be quite difficult and very expensive to build, and the information was not clear on who it was from or what its purpose was.  The big question that was proposed to the world was weather the machine should be built or not.  Our Emperor made a very interesting statement putting Japan in a place where it did not want to financially responsible for the machine, yet was willing to provide support for the building of it.  The Latin American Union as a whole wanted to build the machine, where as Canada and the EU were against its construction.  The Emperor, populace representative and military head met with our counter parts from the Latin American union and discussed the best way to handle the building of the machine.  We decided on a place where it would be built, Latin American, and how we would handle different situations involving the machine such as keeping its location a secret because of security and safety reasons. The LAU told us of their heightened military efforts as well as their discovery of the ability to reproduce rare earth metals, many of which would be needed for the machine.  We also discovered the United States had decided to join the machine accord, as we became known.
            I decided that Japan needed to be at the forefront for building this machine.  Both in my open and covert agenda I saw the value that machine could have.  I thought it would be a good opportunity for Japan to leap frog into the spot of number 1 scientific leader in the world.  A lot of the areas that I thought were our strongest were in parts of the machine.  I thought that by building this machine we could use our strengths.  All our work with the space simulator and the military technologies were continued covertly and I decided that Japan would stick to our secretive ways and obtain the machine plans and keep them close at hand.  I also worked closely with head of science in Latin America and worked on obtaining their plans for rare earth metals.  My goal at this point in time was to push Japan into a position in the science world that we have never really held, and make us that super power that people doubted would happen.  This required a bit of a frame of mind shift because this type of aggressive nature is unushual but I believe it was for the best for Japan, and was very successful.
Covert Plan
            Japan science community will be heightening its military technology research and will be using the information gained from the machine plans and apply it to our military technology.  The purpose of this is to be ready for any kind of offensive action from any other nations.  Another main agenda will be to keep the most important knowledge of the machine to our scientist and out of the hands of any other scientist and our own executive government, as well has gain the plans Latin America has for replicating rare earth elements.
            The building of the machine was moving along but the accord was running out of money.  The Emperor met with the head of Canada and explained to them some of the benefits that we discovered when building the machine, such as its ability to provide us with a cheap and efficient source of power.  By using the distortion of space and time I was able to create a worm hole type effect and consequently Japan sent its nuclear waste from the tsunami and meltdown of last year into space.  We were also able to perfect some of the technologies of the machine to develop a new form of energy leaving us no longer dependent on fossil fuels.  All these things combined as well as geographical position convinced Canada to become part of the accord.  When the summit between the nations was held, Canada explained their choice. We also announced that we had an impenetrable shield at our disposal.  We worked together to turn the shield around to protect accord spaces before setting off the machine.
   This post was right before the big day and the feelings of excitement were very visible for me.  We were standing on the precipice of a huge change in the world, be it good or bad it would be knowledge.  There was a bit of nostalgia and apprehension, the need to say goodbye really overcame me.  I wanted to express my feelings of gratitude before this large event occurred that we could not predict how it would go any way.
            The year after the machine was set off was a hard one.  The great split was sad and devastating; we don’t know what happened to the resistor nations.  Any and all people we knew in those regions just disappeared.  It pains me to see how the areas fell into such disarray.  The personal feelings I had about the split I did not feel the need to share with the rest of the world.  I was saddened by what happened and what is still happening in Africa.  The benefits to the rest of accord spaces should be shared and contributed with all accord nations; there still needs to an emesis on humanitarian things.  The negative effects that the shield had were very frightening because we know so little about why that happened.  There is this huge new entity that we know so very little about and has an incredible amount of power over us.  This is very scary to me.  However, to the public I showed my face of bravery.  I wanted to stick to science, what I know best, so I focused on the state of science in the new world order.  I tried to encourage the science community to collect their thoughts and push onwards. Knowledge is a very powerful tool, one that we still needed to utilize.  The more we can learn and find out about the extra terrestrials the more better off we will be to face whatever they throw at us and expect from us.  This was what I tried to get across to the rest of the science community.  I thought it was one of the most important things to focus on, and one that wasn’t negative.
            The item that best symbolizes my journy over the past few years is a piece is the machine, specifically the button that we used to activate the machine and contact the extra terrestrial life forms.  This button is important to me because of what it means.  it was an integral part to the machine; it is what sent out the signal.  I feel that I am somehwat like the button.  I played an important role in shaping what occured; somewhat like the fulcrom on what the entire endevor hinged.  Without my contributions the Emporer would not have been so enthusiastic to helping build the machine and the Latin American union woul not have been able to do everything alone.  The button is what the machine depended on.  It is also a circle, meaning it is infinite; never ending.  I have strssed that science and the pursuit of knowledge is never ending, infinite like this circle.  We must contiune on always to find out what we do not know.  As Socrates once said, "All I know is that I know nothing."

            The results of what happened because of the building of the machine and communicating with extra terrestrial life was one that no one could have predicted.  The new world that we live in is so different from the one before, and not just because of the chunk that is missing.  The mind set of the people of the world is beginning to change.  As was evident in our final summit, this could be the push that humanity needed to become something different.  Great events can inspire great change.  To the future generation that will be reading this history, I hope that the changes we dreamed about became a reality.  That the things our world leader discussed such as human kind working together as a species in a multispecies universe became so.  My hopes are that what we did meant something and that it was the right choice.  I believe that through this period of time I acted in the best interest for both the science community of Japan and the world.  I hope that this narrative will shed light on some insights as to what happened so that you may learn and grow.  Science is the quest for knowledge, and this is all I ever hoped to achieve.
Masaharu Nakagawa


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