Thursday, October 11, 2012

"I am no longer of any importance to Canada and wish the people of the new world order good luck."

To whom it may concern,

If you are reading this message, I have already gone. For reasons I will explain, I fear the safety of my family and myself. In this passage, I will reveal Canadian military action, public and confidential all leading up to the activation of the “Accord’s” great machine and the destruction that it has caused. As a proud military man and a patriot of my country I wish to harm no one with the revealing of this information. The missions cast behind the scenes were planned, supported and launched by my self and no one else.

All others involved had no choice but to participate, for they were the best-trained military men and women who would die for their country and wouldn’t dare go against orders given by their superiors. All military
personnel worked on these confidential missions not knowing exactly what they were involved in.

(September 2012)

Canadian military budget cuts forced spending from $20,164,000,000 down to $6,721,333,266 annually. Astronomical budget cuts usually mean bad things. Regardless of what was to come, prompt changes needed to be made by the Royal Canadian Forces. A statement was then released by myself which would address the issue.

Response 1: Canadian Military Budget Decimated:

“ Canadian Force Operations & Personnel withdrawals”

“Along with the withdrawal of Canadian personnel abroad, all military equipment including but not limited to warships, planes, helicopters and artillery will return to their homeports.” 

“With limitations presents the Royal Canadian military will focus on its excellence at home.”

“Excellence at Home” requires forces to be aware of anything going on in our territory, deter threats to our security before they reach our shores, and respond to contingencies anywhere else in the country.”


As the budget cut situation became all the more real, a top-secret mission was launched in the Canadian Arctic. An addition to NUNALIVUT project and the launch of “HER MAJESTIES ARK”, MISSION 111112 was in motion.

Covert Document 9A2834657:

Upon the decrease of the Canadian Military Budget, a potential threat is anticipated. The royal forces have decided to launch a covert mission. The first layer of this mission will be to send the best-trained returning soldiers to join the personnel of NUNALIVUT in the Canadian arctic to train in the most harsh environments that Canada has to offer. A total of 1050 soldiers will be trained as a special operations force called “ICE.” The men of ICE will be trained to strive in the harshest of Canadian environments.

The second layer of this mission is known as “HER MAJESTIES ARC.” Some where in the Canadian Arctic will be built an enormous underground bunker/city. This bunker is capable of withstanding any natural disaster, nuclear explosion or other military forces known to mankind. Along with our nuclear weapons and our most up to date military equipment "HER MAJESTIES ARK" will be a sustainable living environment for more than some 200,000 people. Seed banks, solar power, water, vehicles, weapons, food, live-stock and more will be provided and maintained in the civilization. Under the most horrible of circumstances individuals have been preselected to take cover in “HER MAJESTIES ARK” and could potentially be some of the last surviving human beings on the planet.

The best doctors, nurses, teachers, scientists, engineers, survival experts, farmers, etc.. Canada has to offer have been carefully selected to create the most successful population possible. If there is threat of our country’s destruction the entire Canadian military will immediately retreat to our base in the arctic where they too will train to be the protectors and residence of our secret civilization. This mission will go unseen, untold and unheard by the rest of the world including our own government.

Signed: General P.E. Caribou

(October 2012)

Despite the budget conflict concerning the Royal Canadian forces, a new issue had taken control over all political and social agendas globally. People of the world were in great disarray as news from the most exciting scientific discovery of all time spread across the continents like wild fire. For the first time in history mankind had come in contact with another life form. A message sent by us targeting a star 41 light-years away was responded to. Something far superior to us technologically was now aware of our existence and this did not sit well with many. The message sent was translated by specialists as being a blueprint. The blueprint was of a machine. A machine that some nations were eager to build and others were scared to build. Disagreements between nations struck fear in the hearts of many. What was the right thing to do? No one really knew. Despite what Canada believed in, it was not financially feasible to participate in the build. For the time being, Canada would sit and watch as other nations planned to build the unthinkable.

Response 2: The Machine:

“The “Machine Accord” which includes, Japan, The United States, and the Latin American Union are planning on spending some where in the range of $5 Trillion to build an extraterrestrial communication machine.”

“This economic suicide is not something Canada is interested, or financially capable of participating in.”

“More productive projects could be funded with the money going towards the “Machine Accords” mission. Research, telescopic observation of our galaxy scanning for anything unusual, possibly even an attempt to translate the message sent back to us before reacting instantly.”

“I want to assure the Canadian people that they are safe.”


Covert Document 9B2834657:

HER MAJESTIES ARK is complete. A crew of skilled military personnel stand-guard at the parameters of the bunker as protection. In company with the military personnel a community of trained specialists manage the Ark’s underground gardens, livestock, military equipment, housing, medical supplies and all other facilities.

A third layer has been added. A secret mission has been put into place to monitor every move the Machine Accord makes. Since the building of the machine has not been kept in secret, satellite images and undercover military personnel will help us know every part used to build the machine. Canadian scientists have displayed new technologies, which will help us prepare a machine our selves in a cheaper and more efficiently fashion. In the depths of HER MAJESTIES ARK we will attempt to build a prototype of the machine, if needed we will use it, if not we will destroy it. This will stay confidential from our allies until necessary.

General P.E. Caribou

(October 2012)

Soon after Canadian military responses concerning the “Machine Accord” and Canada’s denial to join the build went public, the Canadian Government started communicating with the Japanese   to myself and the rest of the military. The decision was made without the consent from the Royal Canadian forces to join the Accord. This decision did not settle well with me or the Canadian people. Soon we would all realise it was the only decision to be made. As a military man I have been trained to follow orders given by my superiors, this situation was no different.

Response 3: Changing sides

“After an extensive meeting with the Japanese military, governmental leaders of Canada including the prime minister have decided that it will be in our benefit to join the Machine Accord.”

“Technological advancements have made the build of the extraterrestrial machine a more realistic mission to complete, in the allotted time provided”

“Although not currently threatened by any force, human or extraterrestrial Canadian militaries forces will be preparing more active personnel for what could be coming.”

(November 2012)

On this day, I knew nothing but fear and anxiety for what was to come. As all of humanity would come to find out these fears were valid. My public response was nothing but a crock of shit. I presented feelings of excitement, happiness, celebration and in my own words, “merriment.” None of these feelings were present within myself. In a situation such as this one, it is critical to protect your decisions regardless of personal intuitions.

Response 4: A Day of “Merriment”

“The most amazing scientific discovery of all time has mended global relationships and bound past enemies to form a peaceful union whom today will make history.”

“The species seems to be far superior technologically, making it critical for us to learn from them in the search for sustainable energy.  If we do not contact them today, the wormhole in space may close and we may never be able to contact them again, immediate contact is a must.”


(November 2013)

No one really knows what happened to the people of the Resistor nations, one could assume they are all dead. Canada became an Accord nation. Because of this decision we are still on this planet. Our allies and friends the European Union were not only betrayed, but because of this betrayal they are gone. The following document is a review of the current affairs a year after the machine was activated.  Following the events are quotes that I gave in different areas in Canada responding to the particular issues.

Response 5: One year later

“It is critical not to loose touch with the importance of the alliance with our fellow Accord members.  We are the survivors, the future of our planet as we know it, and without our alliances we would be like the resistors, gone.  We owe our lives to the Accord and no one shall forget this.” 


“Views of faith and Religion have changed greatly.  What Christians are calling “the Rapture” has stimulated the development of new denominations not only in Christianity but among different religions as well.”


“Views of faith and Religion have changed greatly.  What Christians are calling “the Rapture” has stimulated the development of new denominations not only in Christianity but among different religions as well.”

“The shield has been a double-edged sword for Canada.”

World Economy:

“The new world, global economy is something that will need time to mature.  The disappearance of the Resistors has left an interesting dilemma when it comes to re-colonizing the lands that once flourished with life.”

The power of the machine has been unmatched by anything in history.  Although not successful, the attempt to build a prototype of the machine could create some hostilities with our current allies.  The fear that this could bring danger to my family and myself has stimulated a decision to flee the country.  My family and I have set sail on a vessel bound for the old land.  We plan on surviving as they once did in the old world, raising livestock, growing crops and surviving off the land.  With us I carry only food, supplies and my lucky compass to lead us accross the ocean towards the land of my ancestors.  I am no longer of any importance to Canada and wish the people of the new world order good luck. Thank you.


Puck Caribou  


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