As of Tuesday September 11, 2012 the Royal Canadian Forces have been directed to reduce the military budget by some $13 billion dollars. The current situation has led us to make severe withdrawals of Royal Canadian Forces worldwide.
Canadian Forces Operations & Personnel withdrawals:

Along with the withdrawal of Canadian personnel abroad, all military equipment including but not limited to warships, planes, helicopters and artillery will return to their homeport. Finally, current military spending plans such as the $16 billion dollar investment in 65 F-35 Lightning II jets (replacement of the CF-18 aircraft) will be postpone.
“Excellence at Home” (Canada’s First Defense Strategy, 2012):
With limitations presents the Royal Canadian military will focus on its excellence at home. “Excellence at Home” requires forces to be aware of anything going on in our territory, deter threats to our security before they reach our shores, and respond to contingencies anywhere else in the country. Specifically it means that the military will maintain the capacity to:
- Provide surveillance of Canadian territory and air and maritime approaches;
- Maintain search and rescue response capabilities that are able to reach those in distress anywhere in Canada on a 24/7 basis;
- Assist civilian authorities in response to a wide range of threats- from natural disasters to terrorist attacks.
Budget cuts have been detrimental to the Canadian Military procedure but we will and already have adapted to this situation. The Canadian military will be prepared to defend our soils under any circumstance. Thank you.
Governor General P. E. Caribou
Commander of Her Majesty’s Armed Forces
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