This Journal is a memoir of the events which took place during the Global Simulation in Richard Parent's Expository Writing Class. All of the views, opinions, and knowledge presented in this journal are based on the knowledge and expertise of Big Brother (He Who Must Not Be Named), the sole proprietor of Illuminati News International.
When The simulation began, I decided to depart from the group which eventually became Canada to become a lone wolf as the media monopoly. Before the simulation started, I expected to play a leading role in influencing the other members of the class. When Professor Parent offered the opportunity to serve the class as a lone wolf, I seized the opportunity. I knew that I could wield more influence with nobody to answer to, on the contrary, everybody answered to me - or so I thought. The thing I set out to show the class was that consolidate power threatens individual sovereignty and liberty.
Assignment One: News Stories & Covert Operations:
News Stories
For the first assignment, I gathered news stories with topics that would set the tone for current events within the global simulation. Underneath the headlines, I gave information about the topics and posed questions to the citizens of the world in an attempt to force them to question the status quo that the powerful individuals in the world promulgate to them.
These are the stories I gave them:
Climate Change and the Increased intensity of Natural Disasters worldwide
These two articles show that scientists support the theory that global climate change is creating weather conditions more condusive to natural disasters resulting in heavy damage to property and loss of life.
When will the world start taking climate change seriously? How can these issues be addressed? Will everybody play by the same set of rules to protect the stability of the Earth’s climate?
Depletion of Oil Resources
“ the United Arab Emirates has been reporting 97.8 billion barrels of oil reserves every year since 1997.Kuwaithas been reporting 104 billion barrels each year since 2008. Iraq shows long periods from 1980 onward when reserves don't change, the latest running from 2004 to 2011 during which reserves supposedly held absolutely steady at 115 billion barrels. Algeria has reported 12.2 billion barrels from 2008 onward. At least Saudi Arabiahas demonstrated a certain sensitivity to appearances and has adjusted its reserves number slightly from year to year. And yet, that number has remained within a narrow range of 260 to 267 billion barrels from 1991 to the present. All of these numbers suggest that depletion from existing fields is taking absolutely no toll on OPEC's reserves.”
-Is the Earth running out of oil? How will the major powers to respond to an oil crisis? Is there a response that won’t cause an extreme worldwide economic downturn?
Iran, Israel and Nuclear Energy and Weaponry
Israel wants the US to step up to crush Iran’s nuclear ambitions.
Israel represents a stronghold for the US in the middle East, if they do not
-China, Russia, US, Germany France, and UK hold talks discussion how Iran’s nuclear program creates a challenge to the stability of Global Politics
If these talks break down what will happen?
-Canada Preps for War with Iran, instability caused by them
Could this start another world war? With potential nuclear consequences?
Global Financial Turmoil, Crisis: Investment Banks and Government Debt
Sets the benchmark rate for loaning money globally
All money loaned in the world starts from the interest rate set by LIBOR
manipulation of this rate calls into question the trustworthiness of large scale banks.
On the “Too big to fail” banks
“Britain, Switzerland and the United States, frustrated by the slow pace of reform, have drawn up plans giving their local regulators power to step in should a major lender go bust.
But they still need a global deal to give those same powers to regulators worldwide if the laws are to be effective.”
“A four-year, nearly $6 trillion leap in U.S. debt brings the total U.S. deficit to $16 trillion, which has prompted German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble to highlight the global impact of November’s U.S. elections.
Speaking to the Bundestag lower house of parliament regarding the 2013 German budget, Schaeuble said the still snowballing U.S. debt is a “burden for the global economy.”
“Despite the Eurozone's policy actions so far based on imposed constraints and austerity measures, the Eurozone crisis is spreading, with a looming "fiscal cliff" and serious risks to the European banking system, the viability of the euro, and threats to the European integration process.”
"the small set of globally influential political actors can construct a reformed world organization from a loosely connected network of transnational regimes - and, if so, in such a manner that a change of course, toward a global domestic policy without a global state"
Is another global financial crisis looming? How would the collapse of the Euro and insustainable debt in the United States impact the Global financial system? What about these huge banks? Can they ever be trusted? Oversight hasn’t worked, how would these banks be affected by a potential crisis starting in Europe? Could an event set off this crisis? What would be the consequences if a crises occurred?
How Effective is the United Nations?
“The G20 should to be replaced by a legitimate and effective global economic governing body, according to new research in the September issue of the London School of Economics and Political Sciences’ journal Global Policy published today. The research paper argues that the G20’s membership does not meet defensible criteria, and cannot be “reverse engineered” from a formula based on a country’s global economic importance. There is no mechanism for adding or dropping countries as their relative economic importance changes over time.”
"Louise Kantrow, permanent representative of the International Chamber of Commerce, received thunderous applause when she told her audience June 19 that “businesses are taking the lead” in global negotiations on climate change and sustainable development.
For many observers, Ms. Kantrow’s blunt words highlighted just how strong of a grip private multinational companies have upon supposedly democratic processes.
In a statement aptly titled “Reclaim the UN from corporate capture,” the environmental organization Friends of the Earth (FoE) complained that, “There are … real concerns about the increasing influence of major corporations and business lobby groups within the UN.”
Without a worldwide regulation, these corporations relocate to whichever country requires the fewest regulations on everything from working conditions, environmental constraints, and taxes. When is the world going to take action as a whole and start regulating these Multinational Corporations?
Covert Operation:
As I began to plot how I was going to use my power, I came to a few realizations about how I could influence the simulation with my monopoly on the media. First, I needed an ally, if I could have someone who wanted to work toward the same goals as me, it would make achieving my goals easier. Aidan, who lives in my suite, represented the clearest option. When he chose to become the executive of Japan, I knew that he and I would make beautiful music while we played the rest of the class like a fiddle. Second, I wanted to establish broad goals, some of which I hoped the direction of the simulation would allow to come to fruition, most of which I expected to abandon over the course of the simulation as other goals became more achievable. Ultimately, I wanted to use the media to cause a cataclysmic event that caused the world to rethink its fundamental values, or, at the very least, I wanted the media to ensure that the major conflict in the simulation brought favorable results for Aidan. I believe that the media played a pivotal role in instigating conflict, inciting dissent, adding fuel to the fire, or distracting the world from alternative actions which might have negatively impacted my goals.
This is the original copy of the classified document dubbed 'Big Brother's Covert Operation'
Covert Operation: Confidential
Professor Parent,
With my monopoly on the media, I plan to use my power to support Aidan. However, I want the rest of the class to believe that I support Aurel. To do this, I will publish my first batch of stories publicly supporting Aurel’s positive policies, while protecting him in his assassination plots on the opposition party. For the first few news stories, I will probably give Aidan little/no attention, publishing mostly neutral articles, and maybe a slightly scathing stories to keep the rest of the class off my trail. I also want to keep the European Union on the hot seat. I overheard them discussing in their initial meeting, and I am aware that they have the strongest weapon on the planet. However, I also know their populace is experiencing a religious revival and has lost trust in science. This puts them in a pickle, but I want them to use that weapon, on Aurel in particular. My ultimate goals of this simulation is to cause a large scale conflict, hopefully a full scale war, resulting in the complete annihilation of one of the groups, then to build up a more effective form of the United Nations with the power to regulate both countries and multinational corporations. This global society, coming from the ashes of a large scale military conflict, will have the power to regulate commerce, protect the earth’s natural resources, slow the process of climate change, and prevent such a large scale conflict from disgracing humanity again.
Also, allow me to provide you with some background information on how I can manipulate the simulation. As you know, Aidan and I live in the same suite by our choosing, our relationship is solid and I anticipate it remaining so. Therefore, I will sit in his back pocket for the entirety of this simulation. Also, Aurel lives on our hallway and spends a decent amount of time with us, he’s also a good sport. However, my goal is subtly maneuver to start a conflict between him and Europe, which he will ultimately lose because of Europe’s superpower weapon. I will advise Aidan to remain as neutral as possible in what will hopefully evolve into a full scale war, concluding with Europe using its new weapon, making Europe look terrible in the global eye. Aidan told me that his overt operation is to promote environmental policies, I will also advise him to publicly support the idea of the new model for the United Nations in the future, hopefully his country will receive a controlling stake in the new United Nations after the smoke clears because of their humble appearance on the world stage.
Although this is my rough covert operation plan, I understand that you play god in this simulation, I am just the humble prophet of your will. I do not expect to know your plan for us simple humans in advance, but if in all your awesome power, you saw fit to have a mass industrial and nuclear slaughter to take place, I would not object. If you were to oblige, I can promise you a fantastic article describing my feelings of disdain and grief for the loss of human life. As for my overt operation, I will reiterate my five stories because these will mark the baseline for my ultimate goals and distract the participants from my elaborate plan to make Aidan the most powerful person in the world.
Big Brother (He who must not be named)
As the document shows, some parts of this plan never came to fruition. Aurel's actions immediately frustrated his populace, and in fear of losing all credibility of the media, I decided not to publicly support him. Another choice which I outlined in my covert operation which I never acted on was an article scathing Aidan or Japan in some way. I am not naive, I understand that the class possessed a solid idea that Aidan and I collaborated in bringing about the New World Order. In hindsight, I wish that I had scathed Aidan right off the bat, that might have distracted the citizens of the world from my intentions. However, the reason behind me not taking this action came from a fear that any article directly damaging his reputation would tarnish him for the remainder of the simulation. I would have needed to post more articles taking shots at everyone else, and frankly, I did not have the time for that. Running a global media empire takes a significant amount of time, and all my interns quit right before the simulation started. However, even though some of my plans never developed, or I sought alternative action, I believe the spine of my plan to establish a New World Order with Aidan at the forefront developed better than I expected. Also, although I never expected to serve as a prophet, my intuition made me come across like one in my final address.
Exposition of Conflict: We are NOT alone in this simulation
The class following the participants submitting their first draft of their covert operations to Professor Parent, it happened. Class was interrupted to bring us an urgent news bulletin, with a message so vital to the development of the simulation, that the global media monopoly was not privy to this information any sooner than the rest of the participants.
What follows is an excerpt from The Editor's Article 'Transcript of News Alert', the conflict that changed the course of the simulation and instigated about the rising action of the story. After detailing the specifics of the message, and significant bantering between the scientists of the global players, the conclusion reads as follows:
"Myriam Adela: NONETHELESS. [Cannon and Willetts fall silent.] The signal is very clear. We are to build the machine and to activate it at 0800hrs GMT on December 14th. Three months from tomorrow. So. We have a problem. We have a machine we can't build, that will do something we can't predict, at a cost we can't afford, and a deadline whose significance is unknown. What will happen on December 14th if we build and activate the machine? Do we dare to find out? Do we dare find out what happens if we don't activate it?
[All fall silent.]
GS Editor: Well. There you have it, folks. We are not, it would seem, alone. I have been informed by our science team that 55 Cancri was one of the stars targeted by METI, the so-called Message to Extra Terrestrial Intelligence. The METI message “Cosmic Call 2” was sent in July of 2003 to 55 Cancri and other stars, but that message should not have been received at 55 Cancri for 41 years – sometime in May of 2044. Obviously, something has sped that process up. That would also explain how a message sent a mere 9 years ago could produce a message so quickly from a system more than 40 light years away. There is so much we do not know.
It now falls to our leaders to decide what course humanity will follow. The Global Signal is in contact now with leaders from across the globe, and we will publish their decisions as they make them, right here on Global Signal's site, in their own words. They will announce the policy of their governments, and will, we can only hope, help us all to understand what forces led them to make those decisions, and how we can best support their decisions. Mankind stands on a precipice. May God help us all.
After this information was presented to the world, class was dismissed, and everyone was required to respond as to whether or not we should build the machine. I began plotting how this machine fit into my plan to bring Aidan to the forefront of a New World Order."
Fore more follow the link:
This newscast changed the course of the simulation, it changed the center of attention from all involved in the simulation away from the problems plaguing the Earth, to a new problem of mass importance. It took time to develop, but the alien message eventually played right into my covert operation.
Rising Action: To build or not to build?
At first glance, I did not like the idea of building the machine, it seemed like an unwelcome distraction from the mass industrial slaughter I desired to instigate. However, I foolishly overlooked the machine as an issue which the people of the world would rally around with such intensity. Therefore, my article 'Independent Scientists Discuss the Extraterrestrial Communication Project' offered a panel of scientists encouraging a military build-up instead of an effort to construct the machine. The article concluded by asserting "There you have it earthlings, DO NOT let the governments of the planet sell you on E.T. fever. Know the facts. A strong Earth is a safer Earth, and if you need a job, push for the expansion of the military, it can only help us all in the long run. Do your part and we will all feel much safer by the time the Aliens arrive. For Illuminati International, this is Big Brother, Signing off."
Fore more follow the link:
However, Sunshine, the military advisor of Japan, saw right through my plan. In his response to buidling the machine, he acknowledged the medias presence and offered a voice of reasonable dissent. Sunshine suggested "Rather than position ourselves as both a technologically inferior and war-mongering planet, I strongly suggest our nations cooperate on building this alien machine. We should do everything in our power to make allies of these aliens lest they destroy us, or worse, lest we destroy ourselves with the rise of global military powers. "
For more on this article follow:
Although the rest of the world found the Japanese Minister of Defence's advise to be sound, the Executive of the European Union took the bait. Viviane Reding claimed, "If extraterrestrial beings intend on attacking Earth then they will do so, regardless of whether or not we decipher their messages. Strengthening our global military is the precautionary action we need to avoid destruction. I ask the citizens of the earth to consider this scenario: We spend 5 trillion dollars on building this machine. We discover through decoding the signal that we are going to be under extraterrestrial attack. We now have no money to defend ourselves. Clearly this hypothetical situation is far too black and white but I am confident you all get the idea. My final decision on this matter is to devote some of the budget towards strengthening our global military and stop this expensive nonsense."
Although I wished for the entire world to take to my plan, Sunshine's dissent followed by Europe's decision to follow my advice, created the first divide in the simulation. However, although Europe followed my advice, I created a problem for myself. I overheard in class that the card Europe drew provided them with the world's most powerful weapon, thus making them a threat to the security of the world, particularly Japan who offered the strongest dissent to increasing military arms. In a last ditch attempt to force Canada to build-up their military, and because I grew impatient waiting for Aurel to post his decision about the aliens, I published an article detailing a popular movement against the executive of Canada in Quebec. After providing quotes from protestors throughout Quebec, I concluded the article by questioning how the Canadian government will respsond to the situation. "With the proposed cuts to the Canadian military budget looming, maintaining control over Quebec, the economic hub of Canada, and the citizen which comprise it will become an increasingly daunting task for the Harper Administration. How will Canada respond to these protests? Is the end of the Canadian Union in sight? Will this turmoil spread to other territories? Only time will tell."
Fore more follow the link:
After all the posts were tallied, Europe and Canada made their points clear; they would not be building the machine. They argued that the risks of building the machine ran too high, and the economic volitility of the world could not sustain such a large project. Meanwhile, Japan and the Latin American Union claimed that they would work to build the machine, but they both said their economic situations made them incapable of financing it. However, the next class brought about changes in the stances of the Latin American Union. They both decided to build the machine, this brought about a major divide in the powers of the world, and made the goal of the EU blasting Canada off the face of the Earth bordering on impossible. Therefore, I had to develop a new plan. I liked that Latin America was economically weaker and less organized than Japan, that made them a great ally for Japan in the New World Order. I knew that for Japan to rein supreme, the machine had to be built, and the European Union need to either perish or take an action that would tarnish their credibility beyond the point of repair.
Ideological Divides and Rising Tensions:
However, as tensions rose, I feared that Europe might recognize Japan as their biggest threat and take military action against them. Once the United States took the machine accords side, and Russia and China sided with the dissentors, I believed that a military conflict loomed if I didn't take action to prevent it. At the time, Europe still had a weapon more powerful than anybody else on the planet, giving them the trump card over the Machine Accord. Thus, I knew that I needed to mobilize the populace of the world against war in order to protect Japan and the machine that represented their best hope at becoming the world hegemon.
This served as a crucial moment in the development of the character fo Big Brother. When I published the article 'Global Populace in Outrage Over Mutually Assured Destruction', this represented the first time that I used the media for benevolent purposes, or at least the first time that it appeared that I did so. In taking action to prevent the world from annihilating itself, I believe that I changed the opinion of the media monopoly from one of militaristic belligerence, to one which stood behind the interests of the populace. This change set myself up for my final act to spur a popular rebellion against the powers that be, which I already had begun to consider.
In the article 'Global Populace in Outrage Over Mutually Assured Destruction', I made progress on the New World Order, when I wrote about the collapse of the UN. In a meeting of the countries in the G20, the leaders fail come to an agreement about military arms. However, this situation escalates when a fistfight breaks out between the leaders following choice words about Michelle Obama. The article concludes when "After the dust cleared, the meeting was adjourned, and the only thing the members of the UN could agree on was that the UN will not be meeting for some time. When news of this barbarous behavior by the Leaders of Earth hit the airwaves, mass protests broke out in cities in New York, Hong Kong, Toronto, Tokyo, London, Brussels, and Rio de Janeiro. Soon after, a group on Facebook appeared named "People of Earth Against Government" and in less than 5 hours over 200 million people joined. The people of the world are not willing to die over disputes between governments. Machine or no machine, the people of the world made it clear that an ideological divide involving nuclear arms died with the cold war. The governments of the world tread on thin ice with their next move, for any one of them it may be their last."
Fore more on this:
My decision to destroy the UN, opened the door for the New World Order because the only global government disbanded and left the door wide open for new groups to seize power. Therefore, if, and as I expected, when the next big event happened, there would be no global government to promulgate the status quo. This both laid the groundwork for Aidan to emerge as the most powerful individual in the new world order, but also for the popular uprising I hoped to incite. I had high hopes for the world after this post, but I understood that we weren't out of the woods yet.
New Developments & Canada's Change of Heart
This section is best introduced by the final official change in my covert operation. This is a memo I sent to Professor Parent detailing the my knowledge and what I planned to do with it. This memo also solidified my decision to make a final address in video form, detailing my prediction for the end of the world as we knew it. I was quite sure about my prediction, I am most satisfied that I appeared to the world as a prophet. Here is the memo:
Professor Parent,
Following todays meeting and after conferring with Aidan, I have, for the most part, finalized my covert operation for the remainder of the game. After class, Aidan informed me that the machine provided them with the technology for impenetrable shields and unlimited renewable energy. He also informed me that they needed a third country to agree to build this machine. After learning this, I shared the information you gave me with Aidan. By combining my information with his information, I concluded that those in the Resistance will perish when the Accord finishes the machine, opening the door for the New World Order that was the ultimate goal of my original covert operation. The New World Order will benefit my plan by swinging Canada to the Machine Accord and leaving the European Union in the dust (pun intended). This will make Emperor Aidan's Japan the most powerful economically and militarily region remaining. Not to mention that between Aurel and Shawn, Aidan will certainly dominate the conversation at the table setting up the New World Order. Currently, the EU has the strongest leader in Tara and their militaristic inclinations make them dangerous to the establishment of a peaceful society in a new age of the human race. Aidan is confident in his ability to swing Aurel, I have faith in him as well. From where I'm standing, everything is going as according to plan as I could hope, and any major influence by the media might rock the boat off course. I am considering trying to turn Canada and the EU against each other, but I fear unintended repercussions of doing so. I doubt I will take that action. Expect my next address to be benign and I hopefully won't inspire anybody to do anything rash. I may however, post an article prior to class on Tuesday, separate from what I plan to present on Tuesday, to provide the Canadian populace with some incentive to join the Machine Accord. Also, if I'm not mistaken, next Tuesday's class is 14 December 2012 (simulation time). Would that make Thursdays class 21 December 2012 AKA the Mayan Apocalypse? Outstanding use of foreshadowing, I'm not sure if anybody else caught it. Finally, I plan on keeping the end of the world a secret. Knowledge is power, but if I give away my knowledge, I give away my power - and I certainly won't have that. Stir up trouble with fabricated facts, only to withhold the truth that would set them free, such a benevolent Big Brother. This class is fantastic Professor, thank you for all the fun, it barely feels like work.
Big Brother
After my covert operation seemed to be coming to fruition, I decided not to stir the pot and let the world play itself out. As I anticipated, nobody took action to stop the machine. My final address was intended to expose the corruption of the planet, and to change the image that everyone had of Big Brother. Big Brother was intended to be a larger than life figure with too much power, but by stepping down, I hoped to bring the system of corruption to the ground with the media monopoly. This didn’t happen, but I do believe that if the simulation had continued that the populaces would not have dealt with poor circumstances and demanded more from their governments.
This led me to publish an article that was more than just a benign evaluation of the situation. The title of the article 'The Calm Before the Storm' doesn't even leave the peace before the launch of the machine to question. Although I knew that the machine provided shields, I was not sure if they would activate in time to prevent the destruction of the machine, so I needed the machine to survive. I intentionally instructed the world to wait until the machine was activated, because I knew that once the machine went on, Aidan and Japan would rein supreme in the New World Order.
Also, before the final class where alliances could change, Aidan and I convinced Aurel to join the Accord, bringing in the weakest country from the dissenters onto the Accord side. A third country's resources were needed to build the machine, and Canada represented the most pliable option. Aurel was not hard to convince, once he was told that the machine produced renewable energy, he immediately jumped on board. Now the secuirty of the machine was insured, the resources acquired, all that was left to do was wait.
Prophetic Assertions & The New World Order
My decision to make such bold assertions about the future of the planet represented one of the biggest moves I made in the simulation. I knew that if I was correct in my assumptions, that it would increase the credibility of my message exponentially. However, I knew that if I was far off, my message would be pointed at as the idealistic dream of some crackpot media mogul. It was a risk I had to take, conservative action will only preserve the status quo, radical action can change it, or change nothing. I wanted to make a big splash. I knew that a video represented the best way to communicate my message because it offered a change in the medium that the people of the world were used to. Nobody (theoretically) had seen Big Brother's face before, only his words. I also thought the crown was a nice touch.
This video was an attempt to mobilize the populous against the tyranny of consolidated power. It represents an attempt to unite people upon common principals and to recognize the issues which caused the divisions between them in the first place as social constructs no longer needed for humanity to prosper. I hoped that the message would bring about a new day for humanity. This is the transcript of the message.
People of the planet Earth. Today, we humans, who always served as the driving force behind life on Earth, are now passengers on a ship setting sail on the uncertain winds of a message from extraterrestrials of unknown intentions. Although my infinite resources provided me with the knowledge that my assured security lies within the boundaries of those countries aligned in the Machine Accord, I will not seek refuge there. I understand that the world is in panic, for those outside of the Machine Accord, this panic is justified. For those within the Machine Accord, fear not your death, but those who brought you this security.
Democracy might represent the best distraction in human history. Despite the sound principals upon which it was founded, the system has failed us. Hellen Keller once penned “We vote, what does that mean?” What power does the vote have over those who own the resources? What power does the vote have over the monied interest that has owned humanity since the Industrial Revolution & the ensuing takeover of consumerism. Take it from the most powerful person on the planet, when you have no competition, when you own all the information, when you create a self-perpetuating system of exploitation of the many, run by a power hungry few - humanity suffers. Consolidated power represents the biggest threat to the human race, and those who wish to see tomorrow need to rise up and stop it. For anyone who hears this, I implore you, please do not take what I say lightly. Elect honest men and women, men and women who share common ideals of humanity regardless of nation, race, religion, or creed. These designations, which once were systems devised to unite people, have similarly divided us. This is not to say that these designations never been used for a just cause, nor does it mean that they have not served their purpose in preserving cultural identity and creating a diversity of customs that should be cherished in the New World Order. However, the days where these designations benefited humanity, the days where an individual’s world consisted of the space between the horizons, have passed. These designations can only inhibit the planet from achieving a unity between the human race that is much needed for the New World Order to be a success. Those who survive, know this, you were not saved by prayers to your god, nor by these extraterrestrials, you received salvation by the hands of leaders who cooperated despite the certain fiscal ruin faced by building this machine, and on the wings of human innovation which opened the door to this New World Order.
I cannot say that I fear the end of my life, and with it my reign as the monopoly of knowledge, but I do fear for the future humanity. With my infinite connections and insights into the functioning of the planet and its people, my apprehension to say that the human race will succeed in living in peace and prosperity grows by the day. I receive phone calls, emails, and text messages every day from executives of countries, owners of mass capital, wholesale retailers, advertisers, religious leaders, and everybody has the same question. “How do I get a leg up on everybody else?” They lack the slightest care for what happens to humans and to the planet, their concern lies in how to grow their influence when the dust clears. These vast networks of communication, many of which run through myself, represent one of the biggest threats to a peaceful and prosperous New World Order. People, hear me, the power must be consolidated in the populace, the mob must rule. Demand more for your dollar, expose those who exploit, and raise hell on the internet when you smell corruption. People of the world, make those who ruled you prove themselves right, make them prove your voice wrong before you sit down. This is your chance to set up a system that will guide humanity into a bright future on the principals of common interests, peace, and shared prosperity.
Notice that the sectionalism of the planet will likely result in the extermination of more than half of the human race. Without the spirit of cooperation and innate human curiosity exhibited by the leaders of the Machine Accord, we may never have broken from the vicious cycle which drove our planet for hundreds, if not thousands, of years. Although these leaders should go down in the pages of history for their just action which allowed them to establish the New World order, they cannot be trusted. The amount of power these leaders will posses once the principals which will drive humanity into the future are established will corrupt any person for whom the law of self-preservation applies. These leaders have their chance to play god, and if they are truly just men and women, they will step down when the principals are laid down. This will open the door for the new generation to take the reins and guide the New World Order towards its destiny based on the principals established at the final conference of the Old World Order. Leaders, I entreat you to understand that you have two options: You will either relinquish your power as a paragon of the principals on which the New World Order was founded, or you will reign long enough to ensure that the principals that you once stood for never take hold.
Humans, until your last day, never be satisfied with mediocrity. Always demand more from your government, from technology, but most importantly from yourself. We need to band together as a race and go beyond accepting differences, we need to relish in them, for through these diverse perspectives that caused the New World Order. People of the world, this is your opportunity to establish a system based on fairness and equality, chance blessed you with the opportunity to start from square one - a clean slate for humanity. Do not let this opportunity escape, the future of our race depends on you!
For Illuminati International News, welcome to the New World Order. This is Big Brother, stepping down.
The rest of the story is no longer mine to tell. The machine severs the dissenter nations from the accord nations, the aliens congratulate the accord and berate the dissenters, and ultimately life goes on. The New World Order comes to fruition with Aidan and Japan at the forefront, but he is considered untrustworthy. However, he claims that he will be stepping down after the global governance of the New World Order is in place. I believe if the simulation were to continue for fifty years, and Aidan were to step down from his position of power, that he would go down in world history as a hero who embodied the principals of the New World Order.
For the final portion of the simulation, we brought in an object which represented our role in the simulation. I chose this picture of my family:
This picture represents the end of one era, and the beginning of another. This picture offers both insight into where I came from, and where I am going. My parents are much younger in this picture, they’ve known each other less than 2 years. They are holding me, their first child. They had their own set of beliefs, expectations, and ideals for what their family would become. These applied to how they would conduct their relationship, how they would plan for the future, how they would execute those plans, but most importantly, they had reasons for these ideals and plans. Starting a family is not unlike the situation we face in our simulation. Like this picture, we exist in the honeymoon period of our relationship between eachother. We succeeded in building the machine, we have confirmation of other life in the universe, the dissenting nations have been severed from us, in some ways we have been united, and it appears that the future is bright for us. However, we should aim to codify our ideals in writing, we should establish universal principals that each country can agree on. We should place these laws everywhere, in all languages, so that people have a standard with which to hold the future governments of the world to. Our ideals humans, these principals which we set forth, will inevitably influence the future of the human race and its relationship with the rest of the life in the Universe. These ideals should represent where we came from, expressing our knowledge of the past and how we got to where we are today, showing our belief in what works, and our abhorrence for what has failed us. These ideals should be both broad and agreeable concepts of human rights, interactions between nations, and if at all possible, some agreements about economics. Much like this photograph, these ideals will provide a snapshot for future generations into our lives and minds, giving them context in which to gage where we came from, and give them an idea of where they are going.
Successes, Regrets, Character Development, & Final Thoughts:
Overall, I consider my original covert operation to be an astounding success. Granted, many chips fell into place perfectly for my very lofty goals, but nonetheless they were accomplished. I believe that my mix of conservative decisions to maintain the credibility of the media, slight nudges to get desired results, destractions to prevent undesired action from being taken, and a transition from the power-hungry media mogul to a voice of the populace at the right time, allowed me to take the radical action which played an important role in shaping the New World Order.
I cannot say that I regret much. I thought about instigating Europe into attacking the machine only to have the shields go up at the last second, but I thought the threat of the machine being gone represented a greater loss than the potential gain of having a laugh at the expensive of the EU. I also would have liked to see Europe use their weapon, just to see what it did, but it ultimately would have detracted from my operation. Finally, I do regret not having Big Brother die out completely, I think that going to Japan may have taken away from the credibility of Big Brother's final address. However, I was not sure if I had the option at that time.
Developing the character of Big Brother represented an evolution of my personality in the role. At first, I was only concerned with power. I wanted to be the man watching over the fishbowl, or at least being the biggest fish in the fish tank, having the heaviest say in any event happening in the simulation. However, I quickly noticed that people were not just goint to do what I say, this is probably because people in Vermont have an inherent distrust of the media, I honestly believe that in more conservative communities my opinion would have weilded more influence. Regardless, after I realized that I was not the all-powerful media mogul that I desired, I knew I needed to use more finesse in my articles in order to gain my desired results. Gradually, I transitioned away from trying to make things happen, to trying to prevent issues from escalating that represented a threat to my goals. From there, I decided that I wanted to make a positive impact on the New World Order. I decided that the best way to do this was through a new medium of communication in the simulation, and to expose the corruption of which I was a part of, as well as the issues which caused divides throughout human history. I am interested to know how the rest of the class viewed Big Brother as whole, I believe he represented one of the more dynamic characters in the story.
In conclusion, I believe that my role as a lone wolf made me more powerful than anyone else in the simulation simply because I had nobody to answer to. I could fabricate as much as I wanted, and nobody could say that it wasn't true. I was the law in many ways. Unlike the executives of the countries, nothing I said could be refuted by a subordinate. Although it made my job easier, it also limited my experience in the simulation. I did not gain much give and take with constituents because I operated independently of the other powers in the game. Finally, I enjoyed my role as Big Brother thoroughly, it was an enjoyable experience to be able to exercise unlimited power, fabricate stories, and twist the truth until it represented what I wanted. Rupert Murdoch really did have a good thing going for him until he got busted, who can blame him for wanting all that power? However, I think what I learned most from this simulation was the spirit of cooperation and common ideology represents the most efficient way of accomplishing ones goals.
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