Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Feelings of Canadian People One Year Into the Severing

The people of Canada have done well in the year since The Severing. Our technology has advanced and has helped to better our environment and Maker Culture - an underground movement of micro-manufacturing - has led to new and useful inventions, such as 3-D printers. The nation's controlled, well-functioning daily life has allowed Canada to prosper moderately, however psychologically many Canadians are suffering. Living life under the oppressive shadow of Japan and its shield, many Canadians feel subjected to authoritarian treatment. One internal opinion poll has shown that 82% of Canadians do not trust Japan, which Canada as a nation considers an "ally." Japan's power in this new world order has left many feeling skeptical, suspicious, and even oppressed. Then there is the fact that this new world order has been created by alien life forms who we cannot contact, yet who we know have power over the new world. One Canadian has described life in this new world order as "like being under a microscope in a microwave; you could feel alien eyeballs or whatever they see with on you, waiting for you to pop." We are living in a world of uncertainty where life is controlled by powerful beings we have no means of contacting, as the time-space distortion has proved useless in communication. Our nation's last-minute decision to join The Accord has left many Canadians feeling uneasy. The pain of separation from loved ones lost in The Severing has resulted in nation-wide increases in depression and unhappiness.

Frustrating to many Canadians is the economic and humanitarian neglect in Africa, as well as the loss of its culture, heritage, and homeland, due to the large-scale migrations into Europe. The people of Canada are concerned for what will become of life for our nation, and of life on a global scale, in years to come. Canadians are concerned that life in our great nation will become utterly controlled by alien life forms. The nation is worried about Japan, as many feel like Japan cannot be trusted. Canadians are extremely concerned about the psychological effects of The Severing - the shield has had a "deleterious" effect that has produced psychological disturbances, and the separation from The Severing has led to an increase in nation-wide depression and unhappiness as previously stated. The change in the global economy due to the collapse of the oil industry, the sudden depopulation of Europe and Asia, and the rise of micro-manufcation has led to massive global economic uncertainty, and Canadians are questioning what will power the post-Severing global economy. One year into the Severing, Canadians are feeling uncertain and anxious in this new seemingly stable - but most likely, many Canadians believe, unstable - way of living. These feelings of uncertainty, meeting feelings of unhappiness and nostalgia for the old world, has Canada in a state of unease despite being moderately prosperous in the new world.

Overall, we may feel that we are in control, we may feel inspired to take certain steps in this new world, but in reality, our entire planet has been severed - entire nations have disappeared - all by alien life forms who have communicated with us only to control us. It is not us who have power now. We may be able to make changes in this new world, but this world could be altered entirely tomorrow, as it was a year before. Clearly, these alien life forms have a plan for us. The people of Canada feel a strong lack of control over our lives, and the instability of life in this new world has created nation-wide feelings of insecurity.


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