Monday, September 17, 2012

Independent Scientists Discuss the Extraterrestrial Communication Project

Greetings Earthlings,
This is Big Brother reporting for Illuminati International News.  Yesterday, a report from five independent scientists declared that the Extraterrestrial communication project is fiscally irresponsible, beyond our scientific capabilities, and above all dangerous.  Stephen Hocking, who headed the panels discussion, said in an interview that, "we live on a planet with abundant natural resources, whoever desires our contact must want something from us.  Their ability to contact us in such a short period of time shows how far advanced their technology is compared to our own."   Bill Nye took a similar cynical approach to building the communication device.  Nye stated that "even if this extraterrestrial race does not represent a threat under our current circumstances, this project could represent a diversion.  If the human race dedicates huge amounts of our time, resources, and money to this machine, we are leaving ourselves and our planet open to attack.  If these aliens are coming, we need to prepare for war. As a planet, we need to build up our non-nuclear arms and prepare to defend against a full-scale invasion.  Preparation for the worst will save us, if these extraterrestrials come in peace, then we welome them to build the machine themselves when they arrive."  In support of Bill Nye's point, a nuclear physicist and a former American military advisor who asked to remain unnamed issued a statement about how to deal with the potential for an alien invasion.  In his statement he explained that "using nuclear weapons against these extraterrestrials represents a greater danger to the human race than it does to these aliens.  It is likely that they will come in waves, and using nuclear weaponry will only destroy one group of them while doing significant damage to the human race and our resources on Earth.  The way to combat these aliens will be through large-scale mobilization of ground forces, jet-fighters, and production of non-nuclear missiles and bombs."   This policy is also receiving support from several figures in academia.  Harvard economist N. Gregory Mankiw said that "if the world were to mobilize its resources to defend against an extraterrestrial invasion, not only would it create jobs for both industrial workers and soldiers, but it would unify the world against a common enemy and effectively serve as a deterrent to wars between nations and regions."  There you have it earthlings, DO NOT let the governments of the planet sell you on E.T. fever.  Know the facts.  A strong Earth is a safer Earth, and if you need a job, push for the expansion of the military, it can only help us all in the long run.  Do your part and we will all feel much safer by the time the Aliens arrive.  For Illuminati International, this is Big Brother, Signing off.


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