Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Science is still growing

      I cannot lie and say that I am completed satisfied with where the machine has brought us. One year later, and still the people of Europe and Asia are missed. The land, still not arable. From a scientific standpoint, there is so much to be worked on. All of the land that was lost in the fires is important to be recognized and replenished. New scientific studies can and should be carried out on these ghost nations where space used to be an issue.

     As for Africa, it is astounding to me that the nation is still suffering so badly. People of Africa are forced to migrate towards Europe just for use of arable land. With this new technology, something as simple as infertile soil should not be an issue. If the issue of equality is no longer present, than why can we find no way to fix what the machine has destroyed?

     I am still confused to this day as to if this machine was a mistake. Its massive body still sits in Latin America,  mocking us all each day. Did we make a huge mistake? So many advances have been made, but for the better? For worse?

     For scientific purposes, I could not be more thrilled with the idea of never worrying about energy resources again. I think I stand for all scientists when I say that the others limitless clean energy has arrived at the perfect time for our planet. Our planet could not take much more of a beat down from the billions of people on this planet. Our use of oil was probably the worst idea the planet has ever had to endure, and now that it is no longer our go - to energy source, I feel confident making that claim. It is remarkable that we now have a limitless energy supply with no known dangers to our environment! The planet can only get cleaner from here, especially with Japan's waste removal techniques.

     As for the economy, it is sad that the newest technological advances are only accesible for the rich. Not much has changed there. And those smart enough to get on board with the new technologies end up poor, so there is no clear right and wrong choice. I would hope that we can all figure out ways to lower costs of clean energy machines, and to rid of all carbon dioxide emitting machines forever! On the topic of technology, the "shield" has posed many debates. In my one nation, Canada, the shield has instilled much fear in the populace. It poses psychological issues in just 12 hours, something I find to be completely inhumane. A massive portion of Canada, 85 %, does not trust Japan, who is said to be our biggest ally. This mistrust puts me at unease. Will this lack of trust result in an uprising from Canada? Will it break our newly formed 'bonds' between nations? What are these bonds even built on? The machine?

All I can say one year later is that I do not really know where I stand. As usual, the 'new world' is forming with benefits and downfalls. I don't know if the gains will outweigh the losses once this change has finally settled. From one year of growth, much has happened. We are on our way to cleaning up our planet, yet half of it is still left unarable. The biggest hope I can have for our planet is that we learn from our mistakes. As always said, history repeats itself. We were all given a new chance to start our 'new world' with the others, using and understanding their advanced technologies. I hope the scientists of the world can work together to understand these technologies and apply them to our present day problems. The planet has a chance to start anew, to undo all the bad we have created for our planet, get rid of all the waste, and be more independent from resources then we ever have been. It is clear that humans are unpredictable, unreasonable, and rash beings. I can only hope that these new advancements don't lead to a race for power, but yet a race for the perfect planet.


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