Thursday, September 27, 2012

Canadian Science, the day before the world stops.

I think I am accompanied by all beings of this planet in saying that I am very scared of what tomorrow will bring. This machine is such a controversial object, there is no way of knowing what will happen. Already this machine has brought such good to our planet in ways of cleaning up waste (although I don't believe in shooting our excessive waste into the universe), understanding complex formulas and systems, and giving the people a sense of hope that we are on the path to new discovery.

 On the other hand, this machine is also giving the people the sense of fear and destruction. As I see it, Canada's decision to join the accord will go only one of two ways. Either the accord was right to be so proactively engaged in the building of this mysterious machine, or the E.U. is the only nation intelligent enough to 'proceed with caution'.

Being a scientist, I am thrilled and anxious to see what this machine can really accomplish when actually turned on. I cannot wait to see what new advancements will be gained in all scientific fields the machine can comprehend.

We are all truly players in the machine's game now, no one nation or being can control what we have built, and our fate is decided for us now. We can only hope that our human nature to explore does not finally put us in our place as we have come so close before.

The only thing that puts me at ease is the thought that if our planet will come to an end in any circumstance, at least it will be done under the circumstance of discovery rather than war or some other violent human interference.

All that is left to do is pray to the extra terrestrials on Cancri 55 that they have done us a grand favor, and that they look forward to contacting us soon.

Good night all. Good luck.


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