Thursday, September 27, 2012

Today's Events

Earth is on the threshold of something (we do not know what) that will forever alter the world as we know it. Will The Machine bring untold devastation to our planet? Will it establish communication between worlds? Will this communication have positive or negative consequences? These questions will be answered today; until then we have no way of knowing, and we can only hope that this machine will continue to have only positive results for Earth, while we prepare for negative consequences that could occur. The people of Canada largely support pushing The Machine's button and opening the door to whatever results will transpire, as we have been promised protection and restoration of our welfare programs. Canada has recently taken a stance opposite to what it once was; when Canadians believed that the building of The Machine would drain resources in economic times that have already caused struggle, they were largely unsupportive of the building of The Machine, however now that Canadians have been promised protection and the restoration of their social safety net, they are largely supportive of the events that will be proceeded with today. This is a colossal scientific advancement. We are fearful of what could possibly ensue, but optimistic that in uniting with other nations on this endeavor we may share in what we hope will be a positive outcome and an extremely important development in our knowledge of life outside of our planet. An atmosphere of uncertainty and fear, and a touch of excitement, has swept through Canada as citizens have realized that this is, in fact, happening. People feel comforted by the fact that the entirety of our military has been returned to our nation, and by the protection we have been promised. Fear still remains, however, and how could it not? It would be naive and ignorant to go into this boldly and confidently. Canada has approached the issue with caution, and it was this cautiousness that restored the populace's faith in our prime minister. Because our country's leaders have waited until we gathered more information to become involved, the people of Canada have more faith in our nation's decision. We believe that we have entered into this endeavor intelligently and with as much understanding as possible, and because we are as well prepared as we could possibly be, hope for positive results has conquered our fear for the negative.


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