Thursday, September 27, 2012

A New Hope

A New Hope

Though many people on the planet believe that this machine blueprint was sent by an extra-terrestrial phantom menace, which will cause an apocalyptic event, causing the end of our world as we know it, the populace of the Latin American Union believe that this machine symbolizes a “new hope” for our people. So much good has already come from the creation of the Machine Accord, and we have yet to see anything bad. Since the countries of the Accord decided to build the machine in Latin America, our people have been provided with hundreds of thousands of new jobs, livable wages, protection, and safe working environment. Resources have been pouring in from our ally countries, and new scientific developments and research have greatly advanced our nations resources and security. Before the Machine Accord the Latin American Union was crumbling and falling apart. The majority of our people lived in extreme poverty in unlivable conditions. After all the controversy about this machine, our people have felt blessed by our current situation because no matter the outcome, nothing can be as worse as the conditions the majority of our populace were facing before.

Jose Ignacio Sanchez


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