Monday, October 1, 2012

Japanese Advisor's Message

As the chief advisor to the Emperor of Japan, I gained influence and insight into the machinations of the Japanese regime.  Currently, Japan represents the hegemon of the world economy, but the Emperor’s political astuteness in the Old World Order lost him credibility in the New World Order.  I encouraged the Emperor to institute a series of reforms which he feels will push the future of the planet in the direction of universal democracy, human equality, responsibility to self and others, limiting the influence of multinational corporations, and enabling the people to rule themselves.  The days where governments ruled with an iron fist, where multinational corporations manipulated the economy, where the people were ruled not the rulers, must end.  
As I have displayed throughout the simulation, consolidated power represents a threat to individual sovereignty.  I encourage the Emperor to institute reforms that will benefit humanity as well as his legacy, then step down from his position.  The power he possesses will either corrupt him, or bring about his death, and possibly send the new world order into a frenzy.  The world needs strong leaders to set standards for the future of humanity, but it also needs leaders who show a willingness to pass the torch to the next generation.  
Specifically, I advise the Emperor to lead the way in the development of Africa, and to do so without concern of a return investment.  Also, the vast territory of Asia could relieve some of the population density problems faced by Japanese citizens.  Without forcing the issue, I suggest that the Emperor allow for those who wish to leave Japan the opportunity to settle in the vacant areas in Asia.  Finally, I advise the Emperor to facilitate discussions for a world-wide democratic election of a global-governing system to replace the failed UN.  
In spite of all these suggestions, I understand that the political sphere requires much finesse.  I place my full support in backing any and all of the Emperor's decisions, his leadership brought us this prosperity, his leadership will continue it.  Long live Emperor Aidan!


  • Sunshine says:
    October 2, 2012 at 6:45 AM

    It is extremely shocking that you should directly name His Imperial Majesty the Emperor, especially by a first name.

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