Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Canadian Science view on The Machine

This fear overcoming the country is not necessary given the current circumstances. There is no need to fear the signal, but fear should be instilled if humans attempt to reach greater forces than our known to our planet. This machine cannot be built. There is no scientist on the planet, no matter what field, that is intelligent enough to understand alien technology, let alone an entire research team. This machine simply cannot be built by physical means, especially not in the assigned 3 months. There are no blue prints for this machine, no one knows where to begin or what to begin with and 3 months is barely enough time to begin thinking about what the machine would be composed of. Most importantly, there is no money available from any country to support the 5 trillion dollar bill. Canada alone is suffering from our own economic crisis, and have much more prevalent research to be dedicating our funds to then a probable unsuccessful mission.

            Not only is it impractical from all aspects to build this machine, but it could be the one thing we should NOT do. The alien life forces sending us the signal could be testing our planet for intelligence. It is clear to all that alien life is far more advanced than our specie, and do you not think that they would want to remain as so? This signal is most likely a test our own capabilities in understanding their language and responding with our own technology. Trying to initiate verbal contact with alien species could initiate a home invasion, in which case our planet would not have the weaponry or military large enough to fight a foreign invader.

            These obvious risks cannot be left to unfold before our eyes. Canada must unite with the resistors to save our selves against the unknown. As a scientist, I am always pro research when unraveling new discoveries, but not at the cost of human lives and strife. There is no need to fear what has yet to begun, only need to help stop it in its tracks!


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