Thursday, September 20, 2012

Japanese Military Report on Machine Progress

The Japanese military is committed to serving His Imperial Majesty the Emperor of Japan as well as our people.  His Imperial Majesty, under guidance of our scientific community, has decided to work with the Latin American Union as well as the United States in building the 55 Cancri machine.  As a military, we are fully in support of His Imperial Majesty in this decision.  Many members of our self-defense forces are remaining on the islands, but some have been deployed to undisclosed locations around the world where 55 Cancri machine parts are currently being built.

The alliance of the European Union with Russia and China has increased our awareness of local military action, as our military and diplomatic relations with these neighbors has not always been positive.  We appreciate, however, the European Union's decision to delay the building of military forces, and we take the EU's action to be a gesture of good will and peace.  We can only hope that our positive relationship with the EU will color our ongoing relationships with China and Russia, and together we can welcome a new dawn of brotherhood.

 It is my belief that the 55 Cancri have sent us this message as a tool to bring the people of Earth together, united in a common goal.  As a military, we will do whatever we need to bring this goal to fruition.  We look forward to the cooperation of the other nations of the world in bringing us closer to the 55 Cancri and their hopes for human cooperation.


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