Thursday, September 27, 2012

Its the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine.

The moment we have been working towards is finally upon us.  I know I speak for the people of Japan when I say that we are all extremely excited to see what happens when the small yellow smiley button is pushed.  Whatever it may be, there is a good chance mankind will never be the same.  I am certain that these beings will hold the keys to a variety of new technologies and discoveries, and I pray they will be willing to share them with us openly.
                However, I feel compelled to warn my fellow humans.  We must keep in mind how dependent the peoples encountered by the technologically superior Europeans became.  Many of these peoples’ nations still have yet to fully recover from this dependence.  I encourage our scientists to utilize their technology and incorporate it into devices we develop, but we must not become reliant upon these extra terrestrials for the supply of these goods.  We must remain as independent as possible if we are to survive.
                With that in mind, I welcome diplomatic relations between our species.  I hope that we will find a strong and true ally in these beings.  Regardless of the outcome, I am confident that the construction of this machine will not be for naught.  


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